Andrea Rotenberg

Contacts of the UniTartu Summer School

Please contact us if you have any questions. Please be advised that the UniTartu Summer School Organisation Team does not provide information about flights to Estonia. For that, please consult websites offering flight information.


UniTartu Summer School


Follow us on Instagram @unitartu_summerschool
Follow us on Facebook: UniTartu Summer School


Lotta Saadla

Specialist for UniTartu Summer School
International Cooperation and Protocol Office
University of Tartu 
Ülikooli 18, Tartu, Estonia
+372 59033574

Anna Branets

Senior Specialist for International Marketing
International Cooperation and Protocol Office
University of Tartu
Ülikooli 20-312, Tartu, Estonia
+372 737 6109



Janina Participants of the Summer School from Germany

2 weeks of personal growth surrounded by the best people

UniTartu Summer School 2023

UniTartu Summer School application period ends on 30 April

Mihai from Romania

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