Exchange studies

Studying abroad is a transformative and life-changing experience. You can live in a multicultural environment, develop meaningful and lifelong connections, get a different perspective on your studies, and grow as a person. The University of Tartu offers high-quality studies, a modern study environment, an exciting student life, and an unforgettable experience.

We welcome you to spend a semester or two in Tartu!

Learn more about the University of Tartu


Practical information for new students

Getting Started guide is meant to help you find the answers concerning your studies and student life at the University of Tartu. Tartu Welcome Centre is a team of local advisers who can support you if you have any questions concerning the process of finding housing, all kinds of registry services, finding the right healthcare specialist, etc.

Learn more about the city of Tartu


Getting started

Tartu Welcome Centre

Visa info

Application and study related information

Explore the application process for exchange studies and discover essential details and conditions. We highly recommend reviewing our list of English-taught courses and the academic calendar before submitting your application for a smoother experience.

Application for exchange students

Courses taught in English and grading

Academic calendar



Free movers and visiting students

Free movers (or visiting students) may study at the University of Tartu independently, outside any partnership agreement or exchange programme. International students of other Estonian higher education institutions are welcome to take courses from the University of Tartu as visiting students here.

English taught courses for international students



Free Movers

Visiting students from Estonian universities



Information for Erasmus+ incoming trainees

In order to come to the University of Tartu as an Erasmus+ trainee, students have to be chosen to participate in the Erasmus+ traineeship programme by their home university. Information on the requirements for receiving this scholarship will be provided by the student's home university.

Traineeship objective and content needs to be discussed with the contact person at the relevant institute of the University of Tartu; see the list here. Please note that the Study Abroad Centre does not facilitate the search for internship positions at the University of Tartu, nor do we assist in contacting the relevant institute's contact person. This is a responsibility that lies with the student.


Concluding traineeship agreement

In consultation with the home university and the institute at the University of Tartu responsible for the traineeship, the student draws up a Traineeship Agreement (TA) agreeing on the details and the learning objectives for the traineeship. This document, meaning the form, needs to be provided by home university. In case there is no such requirement by the home university, the University of Tartu provides a TA form.

Admission of an Erasmus+ trainee at the University of Tartu

Future trainees need to apply via UT SoleMove system. Login credentials to the SoleMove system will be provided once the Training Agreement has been signed.

The documents to be submitted via SoleMove include an application, Traineeship Agreement, transcript of records, and copy of valid identification document (non-EU applicants - a copy of the passport page stating the applicant's personal information) and proof of English language proficiency (non-EU students).
Erasmus+ trainees are registered as visiting students at the University of Tartu.

Application deadlines

Autumn semester and academic year April 15
Spring semester November 1
PhD level students All year round. It is required to submit the application documents at least 2 months before the intended stay in Tartu.







Study abroad moments through our Instagram

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