Whom to contact

Here you can find a list of the University of Tartu contacts for different study-related matters. 

  • Receiving the diploma, verifying a copy of the diploma, duplicate diploma or diploma supplement (also English diploma dupplements if you graduated before 1 January 2004):
    Office of Academic Affairs, Jakobi 1 (entrance from the courtyard, see the map), open Mon–Fri 9–12 and 13–16
    Helen Asveit, 737 5628, helen.asveit@ut.eediplom@ut.ee
  • English diploma supplements (if you graduated after 1 January 2004):
  • instructions
  • The University of Tartu IT Helpdesk (available Mon-Fri 08:00-18:30, in summer 08.00-17.00):
    arvutiabi@ut.ee, +372 737 5500
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