Need-based special allowance

A need-based special allowance can be applied for by a student (except a doctoral student)

  • who is an Estonian citizen or is staying in Estonia on the basis of a long-term or temporary residence permit or on the basis of a permanent or temporary right of residence. From academic year 2022/2023 need-based special allowance cannot be applied for by students who study in Estonia on the basis of temporary residence permit (TRP) for studies (students from outside EU);
  • who is not on academic leave;
  • who studies full-time and completes the curriculum’s requirements to the extent of 75% or studies full-time in the first semester;
  • who has received a negative decision on the application for a need-based study allowance because the monthly income of family members exceeded the established maximum limit (756,38 euros) per family member per month; and 
  • who meets one of the following conditions:

a) whose family members’ income in the three months preceding the submission of the application for the special allowance does not exceed the maximum limit established for receipt of the allowance. The family’s average income is calculated on the basis of taxable (gross) income. A student is not eligible for the allowance if the income per family member exceeds 756,38 euros.

b) whose economic situation has worsened because of decreased work capability according to Eesti Töötukassa

The amount of the need-based special allowance is 135 euros per month.

  • Students up to 24 years old student and
    • the parents of the student;
    • minor siblings and half-siblings of the student;
    • up to 24-year-old siblings and half-siblings who are either pupils or students.
  • 25-year-old and older students are considered as a separate family.
  • A student and his/her legal spouse and/or children if the student is married or a parent or guardian of a child, no matter the student's age.
  • Gather the required documents:
    • negative decision on a need-based study allowance given because the monthly income of family members exceeded 756,38 euros per family member. This document can be acquired from the education portal (the application environment for the need-based study allowance); it must be downloaded digitally stamped.
    • The application documents used (and accepted) for the need-based study allowance: the current composition of your family; the income of your family members during the calendar year preceding the current academic year; and, where relevant, certification of your sibling's studies.
    • Documents confirming the income of you and each of your adult (18 and above) family members over the three months preceding the submission of the application (see above for who is considered a family member according to Estonian law). Your income document must be composed in Estonian Tax and Customs Board in Digidoc format (starting from 11th day of the month, not earlier), please choose the document type "taxation data certificate". If you are not a tax-resident of Estonia, then additionally the income documents from your home country are required. The income documents of your family members must be issued from your home country. These documents must fulfill the same requirements as for the need-based study allowance (issued from the same official public institution, certified/legalised and translated as required). 
    • Students with decreased work capability need to submit all the documents described above and addidionally the work capability assessment document from Eesti Töötukassa ( 
  • Fill in the application form. This can be digitally signed or printed and signed on paper.
  • Send all digitally signed or certified documents to

To receive the allowance in the current semester, the application must be submitted from 11 to 30 September in the autumn semester and from 11 to 28 February in the spring semester. Depending on the number of applications submitted by the due date, the university may announce an additional application round. When there is an additional round, the application must be submitted from 11th of the month to the last day of the same month.

The special allowance is paid by the 20th day of each month of study for that month of study (except the allowance for the month of application, which is paid by the 20th day of the month following the application).


All the requirements described above are based on Estonian laws and regulations and so no compromise can be made if the student cannot fulfill some of the requirements.

Please be aware that the documents to be submitted must fully comply with the requirements set in the relevant legislation, thus getting the requested documents from various countries is time-consuming.


Additional information

The payment and granting of a need-based special allowance is regulated in Estionia by the Study Allowances and Study Loans Act, and at the University of Tartu by the Regulations for stipends and study allowances.



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