Teaching at university

The University of Tartu has 15,000 students and more than 1,500 academic staff. We value, support and recognise good teaching. In developing teaching and instructional skills of academic staff we rely on good practices of teaching. In order to develop and make sense of teaching, university lecturers have the opportunity to participate in trainings, share experiences in learning communities, participate in development programs and receive advice on teaching from academic developers and instructional designers.

Read about the good practice of teaching

Training for academic staff

Teaching consultancy for teachers

Teachers learning communities

Scholarship of teaching and learning

Teaching under an authorisation agreement or a contract for services

Instructions and organization of teaching at the university

Teaching at the university is guided and supported by various legislation and agreements, e.g. the higher education standard, the assessment regulation, the university development plan.

See legislation acts

Study regulations and regulations for doctoral studies

Study arrangements for continuing education

Teaching methodology

Interpretation of student feedback

The University of Tartu recognises teaching and quality teaching


E-learning is the learning process which takes place partly or fully by means of digital technology. The university uses e-courses in the Moodle learning environment and video lectures recorded with Panopto as the main e-learning opportunities.

See e-learning instructions

UT e-learning magazine

Academic developers and instructional designers