The average grade is calculated only in the event of a differentiated grading system where letters are transformed into numbers as follows: A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1, F = 0, "not present" without good reason = 0.
Non-differentiated grading results ("pass" and "fail") are not taken into account upon calculating the average grade. If "not present" is received on a course that ends with a pass/fail exam, it does not influence the average grade. For more about grading, see exams and assessment page.
Depending on the calculation method, an arithmetical or weighted average grade is calculated on the basis of all results or positive results.
A weighted average grade is calculated on the basis of examination grades as well as the credit points received for courses. The grade for a course that gives more credit points has a greater weight (for instance, an A received for a 6-ECTS course has twice the weight of an A received for a 3-ECTS course).
Let us suppose that Anna and Matthew take the History of Religions course which gives 6 ECTS. Anna gets an A in the exam and Matthew gets a C. Both also take the course Basics of Ethics course, which gives 3 ECTS. Matthew gets an A, while Anna gets a C for this exam.
The arithmetical average of them both is 4.0.
(5+3) / 2 = 4
However, upon calculating the weighted average, the number of credit points must also be taken into account (grade × credit points), which must be divided by the total of the credit points.
(5x6 + 3x3)/9 = 4.3
(3x6 + 5x3)/9 = 3.6
Thus, the weighted average differs significantly from the arithmetical average.
Upon granting study allowances, the student's weighted average grade from the previous semester is looked at based on all results. That is, negative examination results are also taken into account when calculating the average grade.
Let us suppose that Lisa is a first-semester student who took the Physical Concept of the World course, which is worth 6 ECTS. However, Lisa started studying for the exam at the very last minute and got an F the first time and a C for the resit. Lisa also took the General Chemistry course which is worth 3 ECTS. For this exam she got a B.
Lisa’s weighted average over all grades:
(0x6 + 3x6 + 4x3)/15 = 2.0
Results taken into account: 3, credit points taken into account: 15.
Weighted average grade based on positive results:
(3x6 + 4x3)/9 = 3.3
Results taken into account: 2, credit points taken into account: 9.
All positive results obtained during studies will appear on diploma supplement and for the calculation of the weighted average grade all obtained positive results are taken into account (negative results do not count in the calculation of the weighted average grade for the diploma supplement). The weighted average grade of all positive results is also taken into account for obtaining cum laude diploma.
To qualify for a cum laude diploma (i. e. a diploma with distinction), the student must have fully completed a first or second level curriculum and
Student's average grades can be seen in the Study Information System under study results:
See instructions here.
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