Maarja Roosi

Institutional Call for ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Award 2024

Teaching staff of the University of Tartu are encouraged to nominate their course for the ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Award 2024, which will be presented at the annual Teaching and Learning Conference held in Tartu from 7 to 9 October. The central theme of this year’s conference will be innovation and creativity in higher education.

The ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Award recognises a course, which has implemented innovative international pedagogical approaches and/or learning practices related to the educational aims of ENLIGHT. Each ENLIGHT university can nominate one course for the award. The nominees are courses rather than individuals, so the entire teaching team of a course can be awarded. The winner will be known as “ENLIGHT's Course of the Year”, with two runners-up recognised as well.

Application information is available in the guide. To have their course considered for institutional nomination, UT staff should submit the required documents by 15 June to The ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Award will be presented during the fourth ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference on 8 April.

Further information about the nomination and the conference can be found on the ENLIGHT web page. Read also about last year’s conference and the ENLIGHT network.    


Peahoone Ukraina lippudega

European Commission highlighted University of Tartu’s project to help Ukraine

Doctoral defence: Artur Simonyan "Regional International Law in Eurasia"

On 10 June at 10:00 Artur Simonyan will defend his doctoral thesis "Regional International Law in Eurasia".

Doctoral defence: Janar Pekarev "Military AI and autonomous weapon systems: an interdisciplinary exploration of ethical, legal, and sociological aspects"

Doctoral defence: Janar Pekarev "Military AI and autonomous weapon systems: an interdisciplinary exploration of ethical, legal, and sociological aspects".