Andero Kalju

Planning and completing doctoral studies

This page refers to the main requirements for individual plan, progress review and doctoral candidate, as well as links to guidelines and document forms.

The individual plan is the doctoral student's research and study plan for the entire period of study. A period plan is a part of the individual plan, in which the specified plan of studies and research is agreed upon for the following progress review period. The individual plan is compiled in cooperation with the supervisor(s). 

The individual plan for the whole period of doctoral studies is submitted together with the first progress review report of the first year. 

The period plan of the first semester must be submitted within one month after matriculation. The doctoral student submits the following period plans together with each progress review report. 

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Individual Plan form

Period Plan form


At the progress review the review committee assesses the doctoral student's progress in research and studies based on their programme and fulfilment of the individual plan.

First year doctoral students are reviewed twice: one semester after matriculation and two semesters after matriculation. From the second year onward, the progress of the doctoral student is reviewed once per academic year, two semesters after the last progress review.

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Progress Review report form


The doctoral students’ self-analysis form is a tool that helps you prepare your individual plan, annual period plans and progress review reports. You can also use the completed form to plan meetings with the supervisor. The self-analysis materials are not part of the mandatory progress review documents, but the progress review committee may ask questions about your self-analysis. 

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RPL in doctoral studies

Recognition of prior learning and experience, programmes opened after 2022/2023

Recognition of prior learning and experience, programmes opened before 2022/2023


Detailed rules and guidelines for applying for a doctoral degree are available in the web version of the Regulations for Doctoral Studies. 

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