At the risk of sounding cliché, I’ve always been very interested in understanding how the human body works, and through different experiences, I’ve found that I both enjoy and am pretty good at helping people. This ultimately led me to pursue either neuroscience, psychology, or medicine. While all of them sounded like very good ideas to me, I found the plethora of medical misrepresentations in the media to be a source of inspiration for me to learn more about the field. It was not until soon after that that I found myself diving into media about a variety of topics relating to the medical field, whether it was research, autobiographies, or just blogs that medicine students had written. After considering the stories and experiences I had heard from my friends and family, it became clear to me that this would be the programme I would choose to pursue.
The six-year programme in Medicine is designed to teach students the core competencies required to become highly skilled doctors. The general objective of the Medicine programme is to train physicians who:
It is a "hands-on" programme: students get a lot of practical training at the Tartu University Hospital, Estonia's largest medical care provider. It is the only medical institution in Estonia with specialists at such a high level in several fields.
A student who has completed the curriculum:
Finnish students can join TASLO, a local organisation connecting Finnish medical students. Read more here.
To be able to communicate with local patients, knowledge of the Estonian language is required as well. Several Estonian courses are a compulsory part of the curriculum.
Students will receive a Degree in Medicine (MD) upon completing the programme.
The Faculty of Medicine has been the springboard for Estonian doctors and medical researchers since the founding of the alma mater in 1632. The faculty is committed to improving the health of Estonians and beyond through studies, training for medical staff, science and social responsibility.
The Faculty of Medicine comprises six institutes: the Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, the Institute of Pharmacy, the Institute of Dentistry, the Institute of Clinical Medicine, the Institute of Family Medicine and Public Health and the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy.
The alumni of the faculty make up 99% of Estonian doctors, dentists and pharmacists and the majority of renowned exercise and sports scientists, physiotherapists and sports coaches.
Read more about the Faculty of Medicine here.
Explore Tartu, the Faculty of Medicine, and the student dormitories through the university's virtual tour here.
Tartu University Hospital is the largest healthcare provider in Estonia. High-quality tertiary medical care is offered in nearly all specialities. The hospital is the only institution to perform organ transplantations in Estonia.
Tartu University Hospital is the only academic hospital in Estonia. It plays a major role in both undergraduate and postgraduate studies in medical fields. The staff is trained to supervise students and residents from the Faculty of Medicine and nursing students and colleagues from other hospitals.
Read more about Tartu University Hospital here.
After graduation, students can pursue a wide variety of careers internationally. Students can continue their education in a residency programme in Estonia (read more here) or abroad and become doctor-specialists, study medicine at the doctoral level, or have a job requiring a medical degree.
NB! The restrictions for the citizens of the Russian Federation are specified here.
The motivation letter is a part of the online application form. Guidelines and evaluation criteria for the motivation letter are also included in the online application form.
Please write a brief motivation letter (in English, maximum of 4000 characters with spaces) based on the following points:
In evaluation, the following criteria will be considered:
The maximum score for motivation letter is 100 points and the result is positive only if the applicant gains 51 points or more.
The online entrance test will take place on 15.05.2025 (between 00.00-23.59 Eastern Europe summer time) and you will have 120 minutes for completing the test.
Physics and Chemistry Entrance Exam
Please find here a Chemistry sample exam
The admissions test for the Medicine programme will be taken online on the platform. Applicants, who have got positive score for the motivation letter (above 51%) qualify for the test. The aim of the test is to evaluate the applicant’s knowledge and skills in physics and chemistry. Eligible applicants will receive usernames and a link to the platform along with all required information via email. NB! It is the candidates’ responsibility to check email for the instruction regarding the admission test. All applicants are responsible for the quality of their internet connection. The computer must have an updated version of the web browser. If the test is interrupted for any reason, the test can be restarted and continued only until the test is closed.
The applicant has 60 minutes to answer both the chemistry and physics sections of the test.
There is a total of 120 minutes to complete both tests.
The applicant should have paper, pencil, and calculator ready to make calculations while taking the test.
Chemistry Exam
The chemistry test is based on the compulsory chemistry courses of the Estonian curriculum of upper secondary school:
1. General chemistry
2. Inorganic chemistry
3. Organic chemistry
The chemistry test contains different types of questions and tasks. The applicants can use the periodic table, activity series of metals and the solubility table (the applicant can use them in the test environment).
• Chemistry curriculum for upper secondary school (courses: „Fundamentals of Chemistry“, „Inorganic substances“ ja „ Organic compounds“) and Chemistry curriculum for basic schools.
Physics Exam
The physics test is based on the compulsory physics courses of the Estonian curriculum of the upper secondary school.
Please find here a Physics sample exam
Atomic and nuclear physics. Photoelectric effect. Models of the atom. Matter waves. Main ideas of quantum mechanics. Electron diffraction. Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Quantum numbers. Emission and absorption of the light by an atom. Nuclear forces, protons and neutrons. Mass defect. Nuclear binding energy. Equivalence of mass and energy. Nuclear reactions. Nuclear energetics and nuclear weapons. Radioactivity. Half-life. Radioactive dating. Types of ionising radiation. Radiation safety.
The physics test contains of multiple-choice and free-choice questions. The applicants can use the formula sheet (the applicant can use it in the test environment).
Scoring System
The physics and chemistry entrance exam is evaluated in a 100-point scale. It is possible to get up to 50 points for the chemistry test and 50 points for the physics test as well. The exam has been passed if the exam result is at least 51 points. The points of the entrance exam in physics and chemistry make up 60% of the total score of the candidate's entrance exams.
No feedback is provided right after the completion of the test. The applicant will be informed about the exam result via email.
The purpose of the entrance interview is to find out the student candidate:
The structure of the entrance interview:
1. Introduction of the interviewee and members of the committee (1-2 min);
2. questions of the members of the committee to find out the motivation, self-analysis ability and readiness of the student candidate for team work (8-9 min)
Grading scheme:
Development of the grade:
Each member of the committee evaluates the candidate during the interview on the basis of the above five criteria. The overall grade is the average of the scores of the members of the examination committee.
The maximum score of the examination result is 100. The minimum positive result required for application is 66 points.
Calculating final admissions score: Admission for Medicine programme takes place on the basis of a ranking list. When ranking applicants, the physics and chemistry entry test score (60%), motivation letter (20%) and entrance interview (20%) are taken into account.
The entrance interview will take place between 22.05. - 26.05.2025
For further information on assessing candidates´ academic performance and calculating admissions´ score see here.
NB! Estonian applicants should apply via National Admission Information Systems (SAIS). Further information in Estonian is available here.
The following information applies to international students and Estonian students who graduated abroad:
The application system opens on 2 January and closes on 15 April. The following documents must be electronically submitted via DreamApply by 15 April:
Important information for Finnish applicants: Regarding secondary education documents, applicants from Finland must submit an officially certified copy of the upper secondary school leaving certificate (Lukion päästötodistus) and of the matriculation examination certificate in Finnish, also certified translations of both documents into English. For further information, please see our country-specific document requirements for Finland.
Submitted applications (also motivation letters) can not be edited! It is only possible to upload new documents (e.g. graduation certificates). Applicants will receive feedback and notifications through the DreamApply system to their e-mail. Incomplete applications or those submitted by e-mail will not be considered for admission.
Guide to submitting an electronic application on DreamApply.
NB: The University of Tartu has no official partnerships with agents or educational representatives. We strongly recommend applying directly to the university without the help of unauthorised third-party entities. Should you use such a service, please ensure that your application's contact information is your personal details (your e-mail, phone number, etc.).
The evaluation of applications will be made based on the electronic copies added to DreamApply. A general ranking list will be formed based on the electronically submitted applications and admission results (including offers) will be announced to all applicants personally via DreamApply by 30 May at the latest. Admitted candidates are expected to accept or decline the offer in DreamApply in 7 days. If the decision is not communicated to UT via DreamApply by the stipulated deadline, UT reserves the right to withdraw the admission offer.
NB! It is not possible to postpone/defer the beginning of studies to the next academic year.
Terms and conditions of the admission offer
Admission offers are conditional. This means that there are conditions in the offer which the applicant needs to fulfil in order to be admitted (e.g. sending application documents by post; obtaining the required level of education). If the conditions are not met, UT has the right to withdraw the offer. Also, UT reserves the right to withdraw or amend any offer or revoke the matriculation of a student, if it becomes evident that the application contains fraudulent information, the qualification does not provide access to the chosen study programme or the student is found to have omitted key information from the application. Should such circumstances occur, UT will not be liable for any material or immaterial loss which the student may suffer as a result.
Once the admission results have been announced, all admitted students are required to send the application documents by post to: Student Admissions, University of Tartu, Ülikooli 18-133, Tartu 50090, ESTONIA.
The documents are expected to be mailed only by those receiving the admission offer (unless instructed otherwise by the Admissions staff). The documents must reach the university within 3 weeks from the announcement of the offer. If the application documents do not reach the UT Student Amdissions by the deadline, UT has the right to withdraw the admission offer. Applicants will be informed via DreamApply when their documents have arrived.
NB! If you applied last year as well and already sent the required documents by post, it might not be necessary to resubmit all documents by post this year. Please contact the Student Admissions ( for details.
Requirements for educational documents
All copies of educational documents (secondary school certificate and grade list/transcript) must be officially certified. By certified we mean that the copies should bear an original signature and seal of the authority certifying that these are true copies of the original document(s). The copies can be certified either 1) by an authorised official of the issuing institution, or 2) by a notary, or 3) with an Apostille attached. NB! Country-specific requirements may specify the way documents from certain countries must be certified.
Please note that UT does not accept simple copies made on the basis of already certified copies (primary copies are needed).
All admitted students are required to present their original qualification certificates upon arrival (unless these were sent directly from the issuing institution).
Paying the tuition fee
• EU/EEA/Swiss citizens are required to pay the fee for the first semester once they arrive in Tartu (by 20 September at the latest after signing the fee contract, please read more here).
• Admitted students from other countries are required to pre-pay half of the first semester's tuition fee. The invoice along with the pre-payment deadline and payment details will be sent to applicants via DreamApply after they have accepted the admissions offer and the University has received the hard copies of the application documents. Second part of the fee is due on 20 September. NB! The official admission letter (necessary for visa application) will only be issued once the University of Tartu has received the pre-payment.
NB! By transferring the pre-payment to the university, you confirm that you have informed yourself about the process of the visa and temporary residence permit application and you are able to arrive in Estonia by the start of the academic year. If you have any questions please contact
The official admission letter will be sent to admitted students electronically via DreamApply only after the admissions office has received and reviewed hard copies of the application documents, and received the tuition fee pre-payment (if a pre-payment was required, please see step 3 for more details).
NB! The electronic admission letter is also sufficient for non-EU students for applying for visa/residence permit in Estonian embassies.
Once the admission letter is issued, accepted students may proceed further with arranging their arrival. All non-EU students should first consult information on the process of visa and temporary residence permit application to be sure, as where and when the relevant documents need to be applied. Note that housing at the UT dormitories can be applied during a limited period of time, unless specified otherwise on the website. For housing alternatives please find further information on Tartu Welcome Centre website.
NB! Admitted students who are not citizens of an EU or EEA country or Switzerland need to make sure they obtain the Estonian long-term visa on time in order to be able to participate in the orientation programme for international students held in the last week of August. They are also required to visit the Admissions Office in person to complete their arrival registration by September 1, 2025, at the latest. Failure to do so will result in the revocation of their admission decision and visa.
Travel information can be found here.
Based upon common queries, the most important information has been summarised into a pre-arrival information website UT Getting Started.
Estonian applicants should apply via National Admission Information Systems (SAIS). Further information in Estonian is available here.
UT has a course system, which means that in order to take courses from second or higher year, the student must successfully finish all the courses from previous year(s). Due to differences in educational systems and curricula, it is very unlikely that an applicant from another university could transfer all required courses from the previous year(s) and therefore the Faculty of Medicine does not accept transfer students.
If you are interested in studying at UT, please apply for admission to start as a first year student. If admitted, it might be possible to transfer some courses and credits.
Ask about the admission requirements and application process