Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility


Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) funds student mobility and short term staff mobility between with Non-EU countries. Bilateral agreements are signed centrally with the universities which get funded by the 3-year Erasmus+ICM project.

Erasmus+ International Staff Week May 2025

Nomination process

Erasmus + ICM Partnerships

Activities and Funding

1) Find your academic match through contacting the coordinator in the relevant institute: UT Erasmus Departmental Coordinators

2) Once you have established the academic counterpart, please fill in the information form with the help of international office of your home institution and send it to the academic counterpart in University of Tartu for the internal call for partnership application process.

3) UT Erasmus+ ICM committee selects the partners in January based on cooperation requests from UT institutes following the principles:

a) developing sustainable cooperation with long-standing, reputable partners, including the University of Tartu’s existing institutional partners/bilateral partners;

b) diversity and broad inclusion, enabling staff from as many units as possible to participate in the mobility project, including those staff members who have not received funding in previous calls for proposals;

c) the content and quality of the cooperation description submitted during the application phase of the mobility project;

d) effective use of mobility grants requested in earlier project periods;

e) balance of mobility between partner institutions.

  • Student mobility: 2-5 months
    Student OUT (from EU) allowed only for PhD and only for few countries for BA/MA: List of Countries SMS OUT for BA/MA

  • Student mobility for traineeships: 2-3 months 
    Student OUT (from EU) allowed only for PhD and only for few countries for BA/MA: List of Countries SMS OUT for BA/MA
  • PhD short-term mobility: 5-30 days (as trainees)
  • Staff Mobility for Teaching: teaching period 7 days (incl. travel days) - minimum of 8 hours of teaching required. Private sector included
  • Staff Mobility for Training: training period 7 days (incl. travel days) – training events (excluding conferences), job shadowing.

Funding consists of 2 parts and will be covered by UT for both directions:

 1. Travel support is calculated with the travel distance calculator

Travel distance


Between  10 - 99 km:    20 EUR per participant

Between 100 - 499 km:

  180 EUR per participant

Between 500 - 1999 km:

  275 EUR per participant

Between 2000 - 2999 km:

  360 EUR per participant

Between 3000 - 3999 km:

  530 EUR per participant

Between 4000 - 7999 km:

  820 EUR per participant

8000 km and longer:

1500 EUR per participant

2. Subsistence support:

Incoming students to UT 800 EUR per month;
Outgoing students from UT 700 EUR per month.

PhD short term mobility - 70 eur per day (up to the 14th day)
                                        50 eur (from 15th to 30th day)

Incoming staff to UT 140 EUR per day. 
20% of income tax will be deducted according to Estonian tax law;

Outgoing staff from UT 180 EUR per day.


3. Inclusion support for the participants  with fewer opportunities (e.g. personal, physical, mental or health related condition) 

All payments will be made by the University of Tartu.

Please note that the sending university is responsible for the nomination of students and staff members!

Spring semester Nominations October 15 (all applicants)
Autumn semester Nominations March 31(all applicants)

  • Trainees can be nominated throughout the year

Nomination information has to include: student's name, field of study, study level (1st, 2nd or 3rd) and e-mail.
The partner university should send the nominations to the student coordinator:

The partner university should send the staff exchange nominations at least 4 weeks before requested mobility dates to the central coordinator:

For teaching mobilities the host institute in UT would have to be consulted and contacted well in advance. The mobility agreement (MA) for teaching for staff exchange has to be agreed upon and signed before the start date of the mobility.

All necessary information and the documentation will be issued by UT after nomination.

Participants will have to make their own travel arrangements. The reimbursement for travel is calculated according to the travel support amount provided by EC (see above) and grant payment is calculated according to the duration of the visit. All payments will be made by UT upon arrival.

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