Strategic plan 2021-2025

The University of Tartu Strategic Plan for 2021–2025 is the main document defining the university's development and setting out the strategic choices of the university.

Read the strategic plan

The Strategic Plan for 2021–2025 was adopted by the university council resolution of 20 April 2020.

Action plan

Key performance indicators

Strategy documents

Financial strategy

The aim of the university’s financial strategy is to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the university and all faculties and to increase the efficiency of the university’s activities in all fields of study and research and in the service of society.

The Strategy for the Involvement of Private Funds

The Strategy for the Involvement of Private Funds is an implementation plan of the university's Financial Strategy, aiming to increase the university's financial capacity and forecast activities to meet the next financial targets set out in the university's Strategic Plan.

Spatial development strategy

The goal of the university's spatial development strategy is to ensure the modernisation, sustainability, environmental and energy efficiency of the academic and research environment and working conditions, as well as the optimisation of real estate costs.

Language and internationalisation principles

The university's language and internationalisation principles contain agreements the university members follow in the development of the university and in the organisation of its everyday work to maintain the balance between the two contradictory tasks of Estonia’s national university: ensuring the sustainability of Estonian language and culture, and internationally high-level research and teaching. The principles do not put binding commitments on the university members.

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