Rankings and surveys

The University of Tartu is known for its high-quality studies and research. The university is featured in many local and international top university rankings lists:

  • QS World University Rankings 2025: 358
  • THE World University Rankings 2025: 301-350


The QS World University Rankings portfolio, inaugurated in 2004, has become the world’s most popular source of comparative data about university performance.

The QS World University Rankings 2024 implemented the largest-ever methodological enhancement, introducing three new metrics: Sustainability, Employment Outcomes and International Research Network


QS World University Rankings by Subject

The QS World University Rankings by Subject are compiled annually to help prospective students identify the leading universities in a particular subject.

ARTS & HUMANITIES287310289338345
English Language & Literature201-250201-250251-300301-330
History 201-250
Modern Languages251-300301-330301-340301-340301-350
ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY501-520451-500451-500501-550-
Computer Science & Information Systems351-400301-350301-350351-400351-400
Biological Sciences201-250151-200201-250251-300201-250
Agriculture and Forestry201-250201-250201-250251-300251-300
Pharmacy and Pharmacology 301-350 301-350
Psychology 301-350
NATURAL SCIENCES451-500401-450378393393
Environmental Sciences 301-350
Physics and Astronomy401-450451-500401-450401-450451-500
SOCIAL SCIENCES & MANAGEMENT357383401-450401-450451-500
Business & Management Studies501-550 451-500
Communication & Media Studies201-250 201-250
Economics & Econometrics451-500501-520 501-550
Education & Training151-200201-250251-300251-300351-400
Law 301-340251-300301-350

QS Europe Rankings

QS World University Rankings by Region ranks separately universities in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia, the Arab region and Europe. The University of Tartu belongs to the latter.

  • Europe 2025: 140
  • Northern Europe 2025: 60

THE (Times Higher Education) has been providing trusted performance data on universities for students and their families, academics, university leaders, governments and industry since 2004.

In 2024, THE implemented a new WUR 3.0 methodology.


THE Global Subject Rankings

Arts & humanities251-300251-300251-300251-300176-200
Business & economics251-300251-300201-250301-400301-400
Clinical & health251-300251-300176-200251-300301-400
Computer science201-250201-250176-200251-300301-400
Engineering 301-400301-400
Life sciences151-175151-175151-175176-200176-200
Physical sciences301-400301-400251-300401-500301-400
Social sciences301-400301-400301-400301-400201-250

The Academic Ranking of World Universities, also known as the Shanghai Ranking, is one of the annual publications of world university rankings. It was first published in 2003 by the Center for World-Class Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. Since 2009, the ARWU has been published annually and copyrighted by ShanghaiRanking Consultancy.


ARWU also publishes subject-based rankings.

U.S. News ranks institutions from the U.S. and more than 90 other countries based on 13 indicators measuring their academic research performance and global and regional reputations.

  • Best Global Universities 2024: 244
  • Best Global Universities in Europe: 95

There are also rankings by subject available. Further data on the University of Tartu is available here.

The "Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities" is released by National Taiwan University and is known as NTU Rankings.

  • 2024: 397

Further data on the University of Tartu is available here.

The "Webometrics Ranking of World Universities" is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain. The Ranking Web is not a ranking of universities' websites; it is a ranking of universities. It uses webometric (all missions) and bibliometric (research mission) indicators.


The CWTS Leiden Ranking offers important insights into the scientific performance of over 1200 major universities worldwide. Compared with other university rankings, the Leiden Ranking offers more advanced bibliometric indicators.


Surveys and research

According to the universities’ reputation survey conducted by Kantar Emor in spring 2023 among Estonian residents aged 15–60, people of all age groups consider the University of Tartu as Estonia’s most reputable higher education institution.

When asked about higher education institutions, 86% of the respondents spontaneously mentioned the University of Tartu first; the percentage was even higher, 97%, among young people aged 15-24. The reputation of the University of Tartu was considered excellent or very good by 84% of the nearly 1,400 respondents.

According to the survey, the university’s reputation is based on first-class education, credibility, high-level research and successful alumni. The university’s diploma is highly valued in the labour market. The internationalisation of the university is also seen as an advantage.

Statistics Estonia analysed the economic contribution of working international students and international graduates. The analysis, commissioned by the Education and Youth Board, shows that, in the academic year 2021/22, international degree students contributed 14 million euros and international graduates over 8 million euros in taxes. Read more here.

Studyportals, in collaboration with IELTS, Shorelight Education and US News Global Education, launched the first ever Global Student Satisfaction Awards in 2019. Entirely based on student reviews, the awards recognise the best educators globally and are the first of their kind to review universities based solely on student voices and experiences. The University of Tartu was awarded for outstanding achievements in student satisfaction and brought home the award for Best Admission Process.

In 2019, a total of 183 higher education institutions from around the globe, including 48 from Europe and eight from Estonia, participated in the International Student Barometer (ISB) survey – a leading, large-scale survey of student attitudes. The results show that the highest scores for learning and living experience and support services among international students studying at Estonian higher education institutions were awarded to the University of Tartu. Among European higher education institutions, the University of Tartu ranked 2nd-6th, while the world rankings placed it in 10th-60th place. Read more here.

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