University of Tartu's new strategic plan

The University of Tartu’s new strategic plan until 2035, setting the university’s objectives for the next ten years, is drawn up from the spring of 2024 to the early summer of 2025.

Aim of the strategic plan

The new strategic plan aims to help the university adapt to and cope with major changes in society so that, also at the time of its 400th anniversary, the university can continue to meet its legal and statutory objectives in the changed circumstances.

Strategic planning

The preparation of the strategic plan is led by the strategic planning committee.

In the spring and summer of 2024, ideas were gathered from the university community, in the strategic planning committee and at the joint meeting of the council and the senate to select the areas in which a leap ahead is desired. In the autumn, the CASS completed an analysis of the societal trends affecting the university (in Estonian).

In the autumn, the first version of the strategic plan was prepared based on the ideas gathering and societal trends, with five possible development paths. Then, university members were involved in the discussions:

  • 713 employees (including 207 from support units and 506 from academic units) and many student representatives participated in assessing the trends;
  • staff members of 44 units gave feedback on the five proposed development trends through the heads of their units.

In December, the next draft of the strategic plan was completed as a result of involving the staff.

At the first meeting in January 2025, the strategic planning committee further supplemented the working version.

In February, the strategic planning committee, together with faculties and support units, refines the development trends, their objectives and key indicators.

On 10 March, the University of Tartu council discusses the state of the strategic plan at the session.

From March to May, the strategic planning committee and the Rector’s Office refine the development trends and objectives.

On 30 May, the University of Tartu senate gives their evaluation of the strategic plan at the senate session.

On 16 June, the strategic plan will be presented to the university council for approval.

  1. Tõnu Esko, Vice Rector for Development (chair of the committee)
  2. Mari Moora, Vice Rector for Research
  3. Aune Valk, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
  4. Kstina Noormets, Director of Administration
  5. Kalle Hein, Head of Finance
  6. Taivo Raud, Head of Rector’s Strategy Office
  7. Kristi Kerge, Head of International Cooperation
  8. Urmas Nõmmik, Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Studies
  9. Klaarika Marton, Head of Dean's Office at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
  10. Margit Keller, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Associate Professor in Social Communication
  11. Uku Vainik, Associate Professor of Behavioural Genetics
  12. Sander Pajusalu, Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Medicine, Associate Professor of Clinical Genetics
  13. Priit Kaasik, Professor in Functional Morphology
  14. Johann Langemets, Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Associate Professor in Functional Analysis
  15. Liis Siinor, Research Fellow of Physical Chemistry
  16. Jaanika Anderson, UT Library Director
  17. Renar Kihho, President of Student Body, student representative
  18. Martin Meitern, Development Adviser
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