Ragnar Vutt

University of Tartu's new strategic plan

The process of preparing the next strategic plan for the University of Tartu to set the university's objectives will take place from spring 2024 to the spring/summer of 2025.

Aim of the strategic plan

The forthcoming strategic plan will help the university to adapt to and cope with major societal changes, such as an ageing population, security and foreign policy, technological developments and society's expectations of researchers and the national university. The aim is to draw up a strategic plan that will enable the university to continue to meet its legal and statutory objectives on its 400th anniversary, in the changed time and space.

Strategic planning

The new strategic plan is prepared in two stages: strategic objectives are formulated in spring and autumn 2024, and established in autumn 2024 and spring 2025.

The first stage is carried out by the strategic planning committee, who will also involve the university family, the senate and the council, as well as external experts and partners to obtain necessary information. University staff will be informed about the process via the university's internal channels.

In the autumn, seminars on the selected strategic objectives will be organised, in which researchers, support staff and students are invited to contribute. The purpose of the seminars is to collectively agree on what the university and each of its units, support units, institutes and staff need to do to achieve the objectives. 

The university's strategic plan will be approved by the university council, who asks for feedback to it from the university senate.

The strategic plan will serve as the basis for the annual action plan. The current strategic plan can be found on the university website.

  1. Tõnu Esko, Vice Rector for Development (chair of the committee)
  2. Mari Moora, Vice Rector for Research
  3. Aune Valk, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
  4. Kstina Noormets, Director of Administration
  5. Kalle Hein, Head of Finance
  6. Taivo Raud, Head of Rector’s Strategy Office
  7. Kristi Kerge, Head of International Cooperation
  8. Urmas Nõmmik, Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Studies
  9. Klaarika Marton, Head of Dean's Office at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
  10. Margit Keller, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Associate Professor in Social Communication
  11. Uku Vainik, Associate Professor of Behavioural Genetics
  12. Sander Pajusalu, Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Medicine, Associate Professor of Clinical Genetics
  13. Priit Kaasik, Professor in Functional Morphology
  14. Johann Langemets, Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Associate Professor in Functional Analysis
  15. Liis Siinor, Research Fellow of Physical Chemistry
  16. Krista Aru, UT Library Director
  17. Renar Kihho, President of Student Body, student representative
  18. Martin Meitern, Development Adviser