Grand Medal

Tartu Ülikooli suur medal

The University of Tartu Grand Medal is awarded to members of the University of Tartu for special merits. The Grand Medal was founded in 1995. It’s name until 2002 was the University of Tartu Medal.

All persons who were awarded the Grand Medal before 2020 have the right to receive a pinned decoration. A request must be submitted to the academic secretary for this purpose.

Grand Medal 2024

Urmas Varblane, Professor of International Business, member of the University of Tartu council, member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences

Professor Urmas Varblane is an outstanding economist whose contribution extends beyond the conventional scope of academic work. He has served as a bridge between universities and entrepreneurship, making a direct impact on both public policy-making and corporate strategies. He is an opinion leader who has helped shape Estonia’s economic strategy and played a significant role in developing the knowledge economy. He is often asked to explain and interpret economic trends and provide solutions to complex economic problems.

Urmas Varblane is the chairman of the supervisory board of the Bank of Estonia and a former member of the Fiscal Council. He has represented Estonia’s interests in several international organisations and participated, among others, in advisory groups to the European Commission. He has helped enhance the visibility of the University of Tartu and maintain the international reputation of the university and Estonian economics.

Urmas Varblane is a distinguished professor who has supervised numerous doctoral students and led research projects that have shaped an entire generation of economists and entrepreneurs. Many of his students have risen to influential positions in Estonia and beyond.

In his research, Urmas Varblane focuses on the role of foreign investment in economic restructuring, the development of national innovation systems and policies, globalisation, and the internationalisation of enterprises. His research results give a comprehensive overview of economic development and innovation, as well as solutions to promote them.

Worth a special mention is his contribution to establishing and developing the Asia Centre at the University of Tartu, which has helped strengthen cooperation and economic ties between Estonia and Asian countries. He chairs the Asia Centre’s council, bringing strategic thinking and extensive international experience to the centre.

His students, colleagues and partners recognise him for his commitment and thoroughness in everything he does. Urmas is characterised by his dedication, passion, and deep engagement with all topics, as well as his warmth and benevolence in communicating with people. In addition to all this, he keeps bees at his Saaremaa summer house and makes sure that his colleagues have enough honey for the winter.

All the activities of Urmas Varblane as an academic, lecturer, and public servant help fulfil the University of Tartu’s mission in the best possible way.

Kristjan Vassil, Jaak Vilo

Aliis Liin, Juhan Maiste, Miia Rannikmäe

Enn Lust

Toomas Haldma, Raul-Allan Kiivet, Andres Merits, Olev Must, Helle Metslang

Tõnu Meidla, Jaan Einasto, Tiiu Paas, Enn Saar, Margit Sutrop

Luule Epner, Tõnu Kollo, Arvi Freiberg, Eve Oja, Krista Lõhmus, Jaanus Remme, Mati Karelson

Martin Zobel, Birute Klaas-Lang, Jüri Jegorov, Toivo Maimets

Joel Starkopf, Kalju Komissarov, Andres Metspalu, Ergo Nõmmiste, Janno Reiljan, Hele Everaus

Aleksandr Žarkovski, Heino Moldau, Peeter Saari, Peeter Burk, Jaan Eha, Tarmo Kulmar, Anzori Barkalaja, Ivar-Igor Saarniit, Maaja Vadi, Jüri Talvet, Jaanus Harro, Peeter Torop

Jaak Kikas, Toomas Saat, Ants Lõhmus, Kalle Kaarli, Irja Lutsar, Toomas Asser, Mart Ustav, Kristjan Haller, Eero Vasar, Liina-Mai Tooding, Peeter Vihalemm, Raivo Mänd

Agu Laisk, Heiki Tamm, Arne Lepp, Mihkel Zilmer, Raivo Uibo, Ülo Mander

Anne Lill, Raul Narits, Paul Varul, Valter Lang

Talis Bachmann, Heidi-Ingid Maaroos

Mart Sõrg, Helgi Silm

Jüri Allik, Jaak Maaroos, Risto Kalervo Näätänen, Leonid Stolovitš, Kalle Merusk, Arvo Tikk, Richard Villems

Kalle Kasemaa, Tšešlav Luštšik, Varje Sootak, Vladimir Hižnjakov, Ain Heinaru

Alo Ritsing, Ülo Kaasik, Haldur Õim, Mati Kilp, Ants Peetsalu, Ülo Matjus, Mati Abel, Huno Rätsep

Mati Erelt, Tiit Haviko, Ago Künnap, Tõnu Luik, Aavo-Valdur Mikelsaar, Vambola Raudsepp, Jaak Kangilaski

Jaan Mikk, Maido Uusküla, Jüri Kärner, Toomas Tenno, Vaike Uibopuu, Jüri Sepp, Tommy Linné, Teet Seene, Marju Lauristin, Peeter Tulviste

Rein Vihalemm, Ela-Heigi Martis, Ivar Piir, Rein Teesalu, Ott Kurs

Tiit-Rein Viitso, Inge Unt, Jüri Tamm, Rein Pullerits, Edvitar Leibur, Toivo Leiger, Harald Keres, Astrid Saava, Tiina Talvik, Marika Mikelsaar

Ennu Sepp, Hannes Tammet, Helle Tapfer, Martin Kutman

Raul Talvik, Paul Alvre, Kalle Velsker, Lembit Allikmets, Sulev Vahtre, Maido Rahula, Heino Türnpu

Ilmar Koppel, Inge-Maret Orgo, Lembit Pung, Eero Loone, Vello Salupere, Eduard Tamm, Ants Tuulmets

Juhan Peegel, Ene-Margit Tiit, Kaljo Villako, Reinhold Birkenfeldt, Ain-Elmar Kaasik, Lembit Roostar, Valner Krinal, Olaf Prinits

Atko-Meeme Viru, Ado Truupõld, Pavel Reifman, Jüri Tapfer, Ülo Hussar, Toomas Karu, Märt Saarma, Rein Taagepera, Otto Wulff, Hansjörg Döpp, Erich Kukk

Erich Kuus, Henni-Heidi Kallak, Arnold Green, Maie Kalnin, Nikolai Kristoffel, Aadu Loog

Sirje Mark, Karl Kull, Selma Teesalu, Ann Marksoo, Olaf-Mihkel Klaassen, Allan Liim, Helmut Piirimäe, Ellen Uuspõld, Tullio Ilomets, Gunnar Karu, Ivar Jaek, Valter Lenk, Ülo Lepik, Ülo Lumiste, Enn Tamme, Herbert Lindmäe, Aleksander Elango, Hans-Voldemar Trass, Viktor Masing, Valner Krinal, Asta Veski, Viktor Palm, Endel Jürimäe, Harald-Heino Peep, Sergei Issakov, Ülo Kaasik, Leo Pokk, Endel Türi, Karl Muru

Ahto Liin, Benita Vissel, Gennadi Vainikko, Oldi Põder-Muistla

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