About the International Student Ambassadors programme

What is the International Student Ambassadors (ISA) programme?

The International Student Ambassadors (ISA) programme, established in 2012, is a largely volunteer-led initiative of international degree-seeking students at the University of Tartu.

Our mission is to help prospective students discover the University of Tartu and life in Estonia. Whether answering questions or sharing authentic experiences of studying and living in Estonia, we work to foster a sense of connection between new students and the university from the very start.

We proudly represent our countries and the international student community within Estonia and at events abroad—such as fairs, info sessions, and other gatherings. By sharing our experiences, we hope to help you envision and plan your own studies at the University of Tartu.

Our team creates diverse content, from stories on the ISA blog (read here) and contributions to the university's website to managing the ISA Facebook page (follow us here). We also assist in producing video content for UT's social media channels and play a role in organising the "Tiksu to UniTartu - Podcast for international students" (listen here).

For current students, we organise events to bring international and local students together and offer support in planning future academic and career paths.

Contact us

Feel free to reach out to us with any practical questions about studying or living in Estonia. We’re here to help you get a real sense of student life at the University of Tartu and support you as you plan your studies with us.

Our personal email addresses are listed on our profiles for individual queries. For general questions, please contact us at studentambassadors@ut.ee.

Please note: Ambassadors cannot provide advice on admission requirements, application processes, or required documents. For these topics, please contact Student Admissions directly: admissions@ut.ee

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