Honorary Doctors of the University of Tartu

The title of honorary doctor of the University of Tartu may be conferred on eminent and internationally recognised researchers, politicians and cultural figures who have helped to promote the role of the University of Tartu and the Estonian research internationally, and notably contributed to building relationships between the University of Tartu and other universities and research institutions of the world. The honorary title was established in 1803. A medal is presented together with the honorary title.

Candidates for honorary doctorates may be proposed by five senate members jointly and by the councils of faculties and non-faculty institutions. The senate decides the granting of honorary doctorates at its May meeting.

The titles and medals of honorary doctors are conferred on 1 December at the ceremony marking the anniversary of Estonian national university.

Honorary Doctors 2024

Honorary Doctors 2023

Honorary Doctors 2022

Honorary Doctors 2021

Honorary Doctors 2020

Riho Manivald Villem Grünthal, Honorary Doctor of Linguistics
Helge Löbler, Honorary Doctor of Economics
Anthony Carl Hackney, Honorary Doctor of Exercise Physiology
Subhash Chandra Singhal, Honorary Doctor of Chemistry

Dorothy Noyes, Honorary Doctor in Folkloristics
Kåre Lilleholt, Honorary Doctor of Law
Ilpo Tapani Huhtaniemi, Honorary Doctor in Medicine
Frank Witlox, Honorary Doctor of Geography
Francis Fukuyama, Honorary Doctor in Social Sciences

Mihály Hoppál, Honorary Doctor of of Folkloristics and Semiotics
Salme Näsi, Honorary Doctor in Economics
Kauko Antti Markku Kaste, Honorary Doctor in Neurology
Eske Willerslev, Honorary Doctor of Natural Sciences
Vladimir Veksler, Honorary Doctor of Pharmacology

Stefan Schreiner, Honorary Doctor of Theology
Eberhard Klaus Wolfgang Winkler, Honorary Doctor of Linguistics
Christian Tomuschat, Honorary Doctor of Law
Kauko K. Mäkinen, Honorary Doctor of Dentistry
Markku Leskelä, Honorary Doctor of Science and Technology

Thomas Salumets,  Honorary Doctor of Humanities
Mark F. Peterson, Honorary Doctor of Economics

Joachim Rückert, Honorary Doctor of Law
Michael North, Honorary Doctor of History
Jean-François Gal, Honorary Doctor of Science
Péter Horváth, Honorary Doctor of Economics
Dietrich von Rosen,  Honorary Doctor of Mathematics

Seppo Salminen, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Helen Cross, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Urve Miller, Honorary Doctor of Science
Lars Montelius, Honorary Doctor of Science

Mikael Knip, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Outi Merisalo,  Honorary Doctor of Philology
Geert Hofstede, Honorary Doctor of Social Psychology

Erik Nerep, Honorary Doctor of Law
Krister Höckerstedt, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Seppo Zetterberg, Honorary Doctor of History
Scott F. Gilbert, Honorary Doctor of Science
Vladimir Zintšenko, Honorary Doctor of Psychology

Jaan Einasto, Honorary Doctor of Astronomy
Pekka Topias Männistö, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Vilmos Voigt, Honorary Doctor of Folkloristics and Semiotics
William J. Mitsch, Honorary Doctor of Science
Lars Oreland, Honorary Doctor of Social Sciences

Andres Taul, Honorary Doctor of Theology
Kai Krohn, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Cornelius Theodor Hasselblatt, Honorary Doctor of Estonian Language and Literature
Frank G. Grosveld, Honorary Doctor of Science
George Nicholas von Tunzelmann, Honorary Doctor of Economics

Werner Krawietz, Honorary Doctor of Law
Anna-Leena Siikala, Honorary Doctor of Ethnology and Folkloristics
Markku Tapio Kulmala, Honorary Doctor of Physics
Anatoli Šeremet, Honorary Doctor of Economics
Reinhard Wilhelm, Honorary Doctor of Computer Science

Christian von Bar, Honorary Doctor of Law
Torkel Jansson, Honorary Doctor of History
Marc Antrop, Honorary Doctor of Geography
Alan Roy Katritzky, Honorary Doctor of Chemistry
Ari Kokko, Honorary Doctor of Economics

David F. Karnosky, Honorary Doctor of Biology

Stephen John Proctor, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Tenzin Gyatso, Honorary Doctor of Oriental Studies
Ilmar Talve, Honorary Doctor of Ethnology
Jürgen von Ungern-Sternberg, Honorary Doctor of Classical Philology
Ants Viires, Honorary Doctor of Ethnology

Tarja Kaarina Halonen, Honorary Doctor of Law
Anne Buttimer, Honorary Doctor of Geography
Jaak Panksepp, Honorary Doctor of Psychology

Wilfried Schlüter, Honorary Doctor of Law
Liisa Marjatta Ahtee, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Tapani Ruutu, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Hans Hilmar Goebel, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Jürgen Mittelstrass, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Keijo Virtanen, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Giovanni Romeo, Honorary Doctor of Biology
Svennik Hoyer, Honorary Doctor of Social Sciences
Björn Wittrock, Honorary Doctor of Social Sciences
José Luis Abbud Mas, Honorary Doctor of Chemistry

Manfred Leonhard Georg Dietrich, Honorary Doctor of Theology
Peter Schlechtriem, Honorary Doctor of Law
Thomas Wilhelmsson, Honorary Doctor of Law
Michel Bourin, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Matti Marvola, Honorary Doctor of Pharmacy

Urban Pontén, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Torkel Wadström, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Horst Todt, Honorary Doctor of Economics
Wolf-Rüdiger Walburg, Honorary Doctor of Pedagogy

Jürgen Becker, Honorary Doctor of Theology
Staffan Ulfstrand, Honorary Doctor of Biology
Jaan Laane, Honorary Doctor of Chemical Physics
Carl Max Wagner, Honorary Doctor of Physics
Ulf Ingemar Ragnarsson, Honorary Doctor of Chemistry
Fritz Gustav Folke Sjöqvist, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Carl Joachim Classen, Honorary Doctor of Philology
Risto Näätänen, Honorary Doctor of Psychology

Madis Kõiv, Honorary Doctor
Endel Lippmaa, Honorary Doctor
Felix Johannes Oinas, Honorary Doctor

Lorenz Engström, Honorary Doctor of Chemistry
Michael Heltzer, Honorary Doctor of Theology
Mauri Isokoski, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Heinrich Mark, Honorary Doctor of Law
Gert von Pistohlkors, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Arvo Pärt, Honorary Doctor
Bengt Saltin, Honorary Doctor of Exercise Physiology
Ernst Sigmund, Honorary Doctor of Physics
Michael C. Zerner, Honorary Doctor of Chemistry

Bengt Björkstén, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Arnold Hasselblatt, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Vello Helk, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Els Oksaar, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Otto Kaiser, Honorary Doctor of Theology
Boris Meissner, Honorary Doctor of Law
Umberto Eco, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Ulrich Knauer, Honorary Doctor of Science
Dmitri Knorre, Honorary Doctor of Science

Johannes Piiper, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Seppo Suhonen, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Thure von Uexküll, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Elmar Salumaa, Honorary Doctor of Theology
Jüri Daniel, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Paul Broda, Honorary Doctor of Science

Jaan Puhvel, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Kalevi Wiik, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Vsevolod Antonov-Romanovski, Honorary Doctor of Science

Viktor Mutt, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Gustav Ränk, Honorary Doctor of History
Erkki Kivalo, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Zdzislaw Kleinrok, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Maximilian Siurula, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Vladimir Jadov, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Bernhard Kangro, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Indrek Martinson, Honorary Doctor of Science
Gábor Bereczki, Honorary Doctor of Linguistics

Aleksander Loit, Honorary Doctor of History
Boriss Petrovski, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Jaan Kross, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Endel Tulving, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy
Ilse Lehiste, Honorary Doctor of Linguistics
Olavi-Johannes Granö, Honorary Doctor of Science
Jüri Toomre, Honorary Doctor of Science

Zsigmond Pál Pach, Honorary Doctor of History
Jiri Rotta, Honorary Doctor of Medicine
Lauri Posti, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy

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