Mentoring programme

The aim of the mentoring programme is to bring together our successful alumni and active students to support the professional, academic and personal development of students with the help of mentors who are professionals in their field, thus strengthening the University of Tartu community. Through the programme, students can make new friends, find answers to questions about work and studies, listen to advice from experienced mentors, and gain knowledge for self-development. Mentors, however, have the opportunity to develop their mentoring skills and gain a good insight into the expectations of employers of young people entering the labour market. Participation in the mentoring programme is free of charge for both students and alumni. Apply until 23.09.

Application for mentees Application for mentors

Mentoring skills are needed for much more than just supporting the mentee – they help you become a better leader, cooperation partner and colleague. We are looking for alumni who are willing to share their experience and advice to mentor students, support their growth and encourage them to find their own path. Applicants do not need to have previous mentoring experience to participate in the programme.

In cooperation with the Estonian Chamber of Mentors, alumni participating in the programme will have the opportunity to undergo a free short training under the guidance of the chamber's mentors and learn the basics of mentoring.

I am very happy and grateful to have been chosen in the mentoring programme, it has been a great journey. I want to continue to contribute and hope to do so also in the coming year. I learnt a lot!

Johannes from the 2023 mentoring programme

For mentees, the mentoring programme gives them the opportunity to get support and encouragement in setting and achieving their goals, as well as expert advice on career issues or writing their thesis. The experience of working with a mentor is very valuable for your future career. During the busiest study periods, you can take time out with a mentor to focus on what matters most. The programme welcomes all open-minded and curious students of the University of Tartu who wish to learn from the experience of professionals.

The UT Counselling Centre supports students participating in the mentoring programme with training and coaching opportunities to develop a clearer understanding of mentoring and its opportunities and benefits for setting and achieving their own development and career goals.

I got answers to all the questions I had going into the programme. I have a clearer idea of my future, my abilities, aspirations and skills. I know better what my options are and I am able to assess and target my actions.

Paula from the 2023 mentoring programme

The 2024 joint opening seminar will take place on 10 October at 15:00–18:00 in Tartu (venue to be specified). The joint closing seminar will take place on 19 February 2025 at 16:00–18:00 in Tartu (venue to be specified). The intermediate seminars from November to January will take place online.

Programme organisers:

Ülle Susi, coach, mentor; member of the board of the Estoanian Chamber of Mentors, CEO of Promens Rõngu AS

I am an ardent mentoring and coaching advocate, implementer and user myself. I am a leader and management trainer, and it was my education in strategic management at the University of Tartu that gave me the courage to pursue this career. As an alumna, I would like to contribute to the success of the university by supporting the creation of the UT mentoring programme and the training of mentors with my knowledge and experience. A mentor can always support and encourage us to go further than we thought we could.

Mare Aru, Career Counsellor, UT Counselling Centre

I have been a career counsellor for over 20 years and I continue to get a lot of joy and satisfaction from supporting people in making plans for their studies and careers, and in shaping a rewarding life for themselves. In addition to counselling, training and coaching, I am also a mentor in the Association of Estonian Career Counsellors and have trained mentors for student organisations. I am an alumna of the University of Tartu, where I received both my bachelor's and master's degrees in psychology.

As a mentor, you can

  • help students find their passion and meet their goals
  • contribute to the development of future professionals
  • make new friends among university alumni and staff
  • improve your knowledge of mentoring and share your experience
  • find an enthusiastic trainee or employee

Cooperation may mean, e.g.

  • providing professional advice and explaining the career path
  • support for setting the thesis focus and carrying out research
  • being invited to shadow
  • an offer of a traineeship or a job

As a student, you will get

  • practical advice from experts in their field to help you set and achieve your goals
  • the chance to take part in inspiring get-togethers and seminars
  • personal ongoing communication with your mentor
  • visibility and a competitive edge in the labour market
  • the opportunity to find a job or traineeship

Cooperation may mean, e.g.

  • getting professional advice
  • setting self-development and career plans
  • finding a thesis supervisor
  • being invited to shadow
  • an offer of a traineeship or a job

How does the programme work?

The intensity of the programme depends on the agreement between the student and the mentor. In order to work well together and achieve your goals, we encourage you to meet at least once a month, for a total of 3–6 meetings during the programme.

The following questions should be considered before entering into a mentoring relationship.

Communication. How do you plan to communicate with each other?
For example, you can arrange communication by phone, web or email. Choose a way and a time that works for both parties.

Mentoring focus. What are the expectations for both of you?
We recommend that you think about and negotiate your expectations and objectives before agreeing on the format of cooperation. Consider whether you will focus on professional advice, thesis supervision, work shadowing, traineeships or work experience, or developing a career plan. If possible, write down an action plan to make it easier to meet the targets.

Frequency of communication. How often would you like to meet?
Agree to meet, for example, once a week, once a month or at any other interval that suits you.

The mentor and student do not have to live in the same city or even the same country, as today's communication tools make it possible to maintain a mentoring relationship from different parts of the world.

Commitment. How long could cooperation between you last?
We recommend a mentoring relationship from the first meeting until at least the final seminar. Applying for the mentoring programme requires that both parties are committed to working together and to meeting the objectives.

However, the student should play a more active role, as top professionals and managers are usually very busy. The student should be able to keep track of the action plan and be a good partner for the mentor, reminding them of upcoming activities and making efforts to complete tasks.

Timetable of the 2024 mentoring programme

26.08–23.09 applying for the programme

26.09–30.09 applicants will be informed of their admission to the programme*

NOTE! For mentors, all workshops will be held in Estonian (with simultaneous interpretation into English). For mentees, workshops will be held in Estonian and in English separately.

10.10 at 15:00–18:00 joint opening seminar in Tartu (venue to be specified)

"How to build a successful mentoring relationship?" Ülle Susi (Estonian Chamber of Mentors), Mare Aru (University of Tartu Counselling Centre);
Kristel Lään-Saarik in the English-speaking group of mentees (Counselling Centre, University of Tartu)

07.11 at 15:30–17:30 webinar for mentors “The power of the GROW model” (Estonian Chamber of Mentors)

21.11 at 16:15–18:00 mentee covision in Tartu (venue to be specified)

05.12 at 15:30–17:30 webinar for mentors “How to be supportive on career issues?” (Estonian Chamber of Mentors)

23.01 at 15:30–17:30 joint webinar

In this two-hour seminar, we will discuss how to move towards goals in order to achieve them. The seminar will be conducted by Kris Leinatamm-Sepp, translator and publisher of self-development and health literature, trainer, FranklinCovey certified coach and development partner.

19.02 at 16:00–18:00 joint closing seminar in Tartu (venue to be specified) “Closing the programme and mentoring relationship” (Estonian Chamber of Mentors, University of Tartu Counselling Centre)

*Mentoring pairs are created according to the expectations of the applicants and their professional suitability. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find a partner for every applicant. Changes to the timetable and programme may occur.

Application form for mentees

Application form for mentors

Further information:
Estonian Chamber of Mentors,

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