Starter launch event presented 32 innovative ideas

On 16 September, the UT Startup Lab’s idea development programme Starter started its new semester with an almost 5-hour idea hackathon at the University of Tartu Delta Centre. The participants shared interesting ideas and listened to inspiring speeches, and joined a team or idea they liked. At the end of the day, teams were formed to test the viability of their ideas in the Starter workshops.

Avneet Sharma, who graduated from the programme last semester, spoke about his experience and encouraged everyone to participate in Starter even if they do not consider themselves entrepreneurial. Ermo Tikk, the leader of the Tartu startup community, gave participants an overview of the Tartu business sector. Ermo emphasised that one should find an idea they are really passionate about and take note of the mentors’ feedback. Harald Lepisk, a researcher and trainer of creative self-realisation, and host of the hackathon, taught idea validation and public speaking to the participants.

The hackathon was attended by 120 people and 32 ideas from different fields were presented. The teams discussed the problems that their idea could solve and immediately started the initial validation. The hackathon ended with new, more clearly worded pitches.

Many participants were for the first time at the idea hackathon and they found the experience very valuable. More information is available on Startup Lab’s website.

The event was funded by the European Social Fund.

Further information: Martti Saarme, Communication and Marketing Specialist, Startup Lab, University of Tartu, 5909 4726,