Institute of Physics

W. Ostwaldi 1
50411 Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa
Toomas Plank
PhD (Optics and Spectroscopy)
+372 737 4601 (4601)
+372 501 6831
Indrek Jõgi
Deputy Director
PhD (Optics and Spectroscopy)
+372 737 4603
Hannes Saumaa
Lead Engineer
+372 737 4724
+372 5383 1751
W.Ostwaldi 1-B116
Nils Austa
Educational Technology Specialist
+372 737 5519
W.Ostwaldi 1-B114
Kalev Tarkpea
Head of Department, Programme Director for Physics master
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5522
+372 511 8191 (5522)
W.Ostwaldi 1-B117
Irina Bichele
Teacher in Physics
MSc (Plant Physiology)
+372 737 5855
W. Ostwaldi 1-D402
Mihkel Rähn
Research Fellow in Electron Microscopy 0.1 p
PhD (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1-C211
Eha Lambing
Librarian (Department of Physics) 0.8 p
+372 737 4746
W.Ostwaldi 1-A203
Küllike Rägo
Academic Affairs Specialist
PhD (Theoretical Physics)
506 5334
W. Ostwaldi 1-B102; B3131

Centre for School Physics

Svetlana Ganina
Lecturer in Didactics of Physics
PhD (Physics Education)
W.Ostwaldi 1-B109
Rauno Neito
Junior Research Fellow in Educational Science
MSc (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1
Kaido Reivelt
PhD (Optics and Spectroscopy)
+372 737 4623
W.Ostwaldi 1-B108
Kaupo Kukli
Head of Laboratory, Professor in Materials Science
PhD (Applied Physics)
+372 737 4673
Hugo Mändar
Associate Professorin Materials Science
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5537
W.Ostwaldi 1-C209
Harry Alles
Associate Professor in Materials Science
+372 737 4658
W.Ostwaldi 1-C206
Jaan Aarik
Professor emeritus 0.1 p
PhD (Applied Physics)
+372 737 4674
W. Ostwaldi 1-C309
Taivo Jõgiaas
Research Fellow in Materials Science
PhD (Materials Science)
W. Ostwaldi 1-C207
Jekaterina Kozlova
Research Fellow in Electron Microscopy
PhD (Materials Science)
+372 737 4672
W. Ostwaldi 1 C-211
Aarne Kasikov
Research Fellow in Materials Science
PhD (Applied Physics)
+372 737 4654,+372 737 4656
W.Ostwaldi 1-C307
Kristjan Kalam
Research Fellow in Materials Science
PhD (Materials Science)
W. Ostwaldi 1 C-207
Helle-Mai Piirsoo
Junior Research Fellow in Materials Science 0.7 p
MSc (Materials Science)
+372 737 4659
Mahtab Salari Mehr
Junior Research Fellow in Materials Science 0.4 p
MSc (Material Science and Engineering)
W. Ostwaldi 1
Markus Otsus
Junior Research Fellow 0.3 p
MSc (Materials Science)
W.Ostwaldi 1 C207
Joonas Merisalu
Specialist in Materials Science 0.2 p
MSc (Robotics and Computer Engineering)
W. Ostwaldi 1 C207
Raul Rammula
Engineer 0.8 p
PhD (Applied Physics)
+372 737 4673
+372 5645 1981
W.Ostwaldi 1
Aivar Tarre
MSc (Applied Physics)
+372 737 4614
W.Ostwaldi 1-C308
Tauno Kahro
Specialist in Material Science
MSc (Materials Science)
+372 737 4659
Lauri Aarik
PhD (Materials Science)
+372 737 4673
+372 737 4675
W.Ostwaldi 1-C310
Ivan Netšipailo
Engineer 0.1 p
MSc (Physical Technology of Materials)
W.Ostwaldi 1-C208
Aile Tamm
Associate Professor in Materials Science (employment contract suspended)
PhD (Solid State Physics)
Maido Merisalu
Engineer (employment contract suspended)
Indrek Jõgi
Head of Laboratory, Associate Professor of Plasma Technology
PhD (Optics and Spectroscopy)
+372 737 4603
Peeter Paris
Associate Professor in Optics and Gas Discharge Physics
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 5547
W.Ostwaldi 1-D407
Toomas Plank
Associate Professor in Plasma Physics and Computer Engineering
PhD (Optics and Spectroscopy)
+372 737 4601 (4601)
+372 501 6831
Jüri Raud
Associate Professor in Plasma Spectroscopy
PhD (Optics and Spectroscopy)
+372 737 5567
W.Ostwaldi 1-D408
Rasmus Talviste
Research Fellow in Plasma Technology
PhD (Physics)
W.Ostwaldi 1, D-407
Jasper Ristkok
Junior Research Fellow in Physics 0.5 p
MSc (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1
Laur Järv
Head of Laboratory, Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics
PhD (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4761
W.Ostwaldi 1-B308
Tomi Sebastian Koivisto
Visiting Professor in Theoretical Physics
PhD (Theoretical Physics)
W.Ostwaldi 1-B302
Piret Kuusk
Associate Professor 0.1 p
DrSci (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4621
Matti Selg
Associate Professor 0.4 p
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4789
W.Ostwaldi 1-B216
Margus Saal
Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics
PhD (Theoretical Physics)
+372 737 4760
W.Ostwaldi 1-B307
Stefan Groote
Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics
PhD (Science)
+372 737 5573
W.Ostwaldi 1-B319
Manuel Hohmann
Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics
+372 737 4749
W.Ostwaldi 1-B320
Maria Jose Guzman Monsalve
Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics
PhD (Physics)
W.Ostwaldi 1-B302
Damianos Iosifidis
Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics
PhD (Metric-Affine Gravity and Cosmology)
W. Ostwaldi 1, B-302
Veiko Palge
Research Fellow of Theoretical Physics
PhD (Physics and Astronomy)
+372 737 4761
W.Ostwaldi 1
Sofia Pamela Vidal Guzmán
Junior Research Fellow in Physics
MSc (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1 B302
Ilaria Andrei
Junior Research Fellow in Physics
MSc (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1
Martin Vasar
Junior Research Fellow in Physics
MSc (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1
João Luís de Figueiredo Rosa
Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics (employment contract suspended)
PhD (Physics)
Piia Post
Head of Laboratory, Professor of Climate Science
PhD (Geophysics)
+372 521 6807 (5563)
W.Ostwaldi 1-D401
Rein Rõõm
Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5563
W.Ostwaldi 1-A405
Velle Toll
Associate Professor in Climate Physics
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 5563
W.Ostwaldi 1-D403
Marko Kaasik
Associate Professor in Air Pollution Modelling 0.5 p
PhD (Environmental Physics)
+372 737 5563
W.Ostwaldi 1-A405
Hanno Ohvril
Associate Professor emeritus
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5553
W.Ostwaldi 1-A407
Heido Trofimov
Research Fellow in Climate Physics 0.2 p
PhD (Physics)
W.Ostwaldi 1-D406
Hannes Keernik
Research Fellow in Climate Physics
PhD (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1-A-406
Jorma Rahu
Specialist in Climate Physics 0.2 p
MSc (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1-A412
Tiia Pedusaar
Hydrologist 0.2 p
PhD (Construction and Environmental Engineering)
W. Ostwaldi 1-A406
Aleksandr Luštšik
Head of Laboratory, Professor of Solid State Physics
DrSci (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4619
W.Ostwaldi 1-D207
Marco Kirm
Academician, Professor in Experimental Physics
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 4629
+372 5342 7170
W.Ostwaldi 1-D501
Mikhail Brik
Professor of Computer Modelling of Materials
cand (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
+372 737 4751
Eduard Feldbach
Associate Professor in Materials Science 0.9 p
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4762
W.Ostwaldi 1-D202
Sergey Omelkov
Associate Professor of Solid State Physics 0.2 p
+372 737 4787
W. Ostwaldi 1-D204
Dmitry Spasskiy
Associate Professor in Solid State Physics
+372 737 4702
W. Ostwaldi 1 D-203
Vitali Nagirnõi
Associate Professor in Solid State Physics
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4701
W.Ostwaldi 1-D203
Artur Tamm
Associate Professor of Computational Physics
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 4787
W.Ostwaldi 1 D204
Ivo Romet
Research Fellow of Solid State Physics
PhD (Materials Science)
+372 737 4701
W.Ostwaldi 1-D221
Irina Kudrjavtseva
Research Fellow in Solid State Physics
PhD (Solid State Physics)
+372 737 4763
W.Ostwaldi 1-D206
Aleksei Krasnikov
Research Fellow in Solid State Physics
PhD (Solid State Physics)
+372 737 4766
W.Ostwaldi 1-D204
Jevgeni Šablonin
Research Fellow of Solid State Physics
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 4766
W.Ostwaldi 1-D205
Viktor Seeman
Research Fellow in Solid State Physics
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4765
W.Ostwaldi 1-C101
Muhammad Usama Jamal
Junior Research Fellow in Physics
MSc (Materials Science and Technology)
W. Ostwaldi 1-D221
Sanu Bifal Maji
Junior Research Fellow in Physics 0.5 p
MSc (Nanotechnology)
W. Ostwaldi 1
Raivo Jaaniso
Head of Laboratory, Associate Professor in Materials Science and Applied Physics
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4731
W.Ostwaldi 1-C205
Taavi Repän
Associate Professor of Computational Photonics
W.Ostwaldi 1-C202
Valter Kiisk
Associate Professor in Spectroscopy of Sensor Materials
PhD (Solid State Physics)
+372 737 4742
W.Ostwaldi 1-D307
Koit Mauring
Associate Professor 0.3 p
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4737
Margus Kodu
Research Fellow in Materials Science
PhD (Materials Science)
+372 737 4790
W.Ostwaldi 1-C204
Tea Avarmaa
Research Fellow 0.1 p
cand (Chemistry)
+372 737 4790
W.Ostwaldi 1-C204
Ahmet Burak Baloglu
Junior Research Fellow in Materials Science
MSc (Materials Science)
Paniz Vafaei
Junior Research Fellow in Physics 0.4 p
MSc (Electronic Engeneering)
W. Ostwaldi 1
Sven Lange
Head of Laboratory, Associate Professor in Optics and Spectroscopy
PhD (Solid State Physics)
+372 737 4718
W.Ostwaldi 1-D304
Tanel Tätte
Associate Professor in Materials Science
PhD (Organic Chemistry)
+372 742 4795
W.Ostwaldi 1-D304
Viktor Peet
Associate Professor 0.2 p
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4767
W.Ostwaldi 1-D422
Yury Orlovskiy
Associate Professor in Laser Spectroscopy 0.2 p
+372 737 4666
W.Ostwaldi 1-D-306
Leonid Dolgov
Associate Professor in Spectroscopy and Sensorics 0.7 p
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4742
W. Ostwaldi 1-D307
Jaak Kikas
Professor emeritus 0.5 p
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4608
W. Ostwaldi 1-C305
Veera Krasnenko
Research Fellow in Materials Science 0.7 p
PhD (Solid State Physics)
+372 737 4666
W.Ostwaldi 1-D308
Laurits Puust
Programme Director for Materials Science and Technology master , Engineer 0.4 p
MSc (Materials Science)
W.Ostwaldi 1-D301
Rein Koch
Specialist for Health and Safety, Engineer 0.2 p
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4796
Ilmo Sildos
Specialist in Laser Spectroscopy 0.2 p
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4613
Aleksei Treštšalov
Specialist 0.4 p
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4615
W.Ostwaldi 1-D405
Siim Hödemann
Specialist 0.5 p
PhD (Materials Science)
W.Ostwaldi 1-D303
Vambola Kisand
Head of Laboratory, Associate Professor in Materials Science
PhD (Science)
+372 737 4795
W.Ostwaldi 1-B214
Rainer Pärna
Associate Professor in Materials Science
PhD (Materials Science)
W. Ostwaldi 1 B212
Tanel Käämbre
Associate Professor in Materials Science
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 4771
W.Ostwaldi 1-B212
Juhan Matthias Kahk
Associate Professor of Computer Modelling
PhD (Materials Science)
+372 737 4795
W. Ostwali 1, B214
Arvo Kikas
Associate Professor in X-ray Spectroscopy
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4617
W.Ostwaldi 1-B211
Ivar Kuusik
Research Fellow
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 4779
+372 5660 4677
W.Ostwaldi 1-B209
Dmytro Danilian
Junior Research Fellow in Materials Science 0.3 p
MSc (Applied Measurement Science)
W.Ostwaldi 1-B212
Mati Kook
Laboratory Assistant
MSc (Materials Science)
W.Ostwaldi 1-B206
Siim Pikker
Head of Laboratory, Associate Professor
PhD (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1-D102
Martin Timusk
Associate Professor in Materials Science 0.6 p
PhD (Physics)
W.Ostwaldi 1-C301
Rünno Lõhmus
Associate Professor in Materials Science
PhD (Applied Physics)
W.Ostwaldi 1-C303
Kristjan Saal
Associate Professor in Materials Science 0.5 p
PhD (Bioorganic Chemistry)
W.Ostwaldi 1-C303
Vipin Tiwari
Research Fellow in Computational Imaging
PhD (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1-B203
Narmada -
Junior Research Fellow in Physics
MSc (Physics)
W. Ostwaldi 1
Jörg Pieper
Head, Professor in Biophysics
Dr. rer. nat. (Physics)
+372 737 4627
W.Ostwaldi 1-D102
Maksym Golub
Research Fellow in Neutron Scattering
+372 737 4627
W.Ostwaldi 1-D102, D201
Mina Hajizadeh Omaslanolya
Junior Research Fellow in Physics 0.5 p
MSc (Biophysics)
W. Ostwaldi 1
Vladimir Hižnjakov
Academician, Associate Professor in Solid State Theory 0.1 p
DrSci (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
Aleksei Šerman
Associate Professor 0.1 p
DrSci (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4616
Artjom Vargunin
Associate Professor in Solid State Theory 0.1 p
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 5571
W.Ostwaldi 1-B306
Pavel Rubin
Associate Professor in Solid State Theory 0.4 p
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 4754
W.Ostwaldi 1-B309
Aleksander Šelkan
Research Fellow in Solid State Theory 0.1 p
PhD (Solid State Physics)
W.Ostwaldi 1-310
Vadim Boltruško
Research Fellow in Solid State Theory 0.1 p
PhD (Theoretical Physics)
+372 737 4754
W.Ostwaldi 1-B310
Aleksandr Liivand
Research Fellow in Solid State Theory 0.7 p
+372 737 5501
W.Ostwaldi 1-B306
Arvi Freiberg
Head of Laboratory, Academician, Professor emeritus
DrSci (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4612
Margus Rätsep
Associate Professor in Optics and Spectroscopy
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 4747
W.Ostwaldi 1-D111
Kõu Timpmann
Associate Professor in Biophysics
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 4738
W.Ostwaldi 1-D103
Liina Kangur
Research Fellow in Biophysics
PhD (Biochemistry)
+372 737 4738
W.Ostwaldi 1-D103
Kristjan Leiger
Research Fellow of Biophysics 0.8 p
PhD (Solid State Physics)
+372 737 4747
W.Ostwaldi 1-D111
Erko Jalviste
Research Fellow
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 4738
W.Ostwaldi 1-D103
Heikki Junninen
Head of Laboratory, Professor of Environmental Physics
PhD (Physics)
+372 737 4774
W.Ostwaldi 1-D505
Urmas Hõrrak
Associate Professor in Aerosol Physics
PhD (Environmental Physics)
+372 737 5857
W. Ostwaldi 1-D502
Kuno Kooser
Associate Professor in Ion and Electron Spectroscopy
PhD (Solid State Physics)
W.Ostwaldi 1 D516
Aare Luts
Research Fellow in Mathematical Modelling
PhD (Environmental Physics)
+372 737 5552
W.Ostwaldi 1-D504
Siiri Salupere
Research Fellow in Radiation Protection 0.5 p
PhD (Environmental Technology)
+372 5341 0793
W. Ostwaldi 1-D 509
Anzori Heorhadze
Research Fellow in Cosmic Ray Tomography
cand (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
+372 737 4780
W. Ostwaldi 1, D-509
Sander Mirme
Research Fellow in Aerosol Physics 0.9 p
PhD (Environmental Physics)
+372 737 5557
W.Ostwaldi 1-D503
Volodymyr Gulik
Research Fellow in Materials Science 0.3 p
W. Ostwaldi 1 D509
Marko Vana
Research Fellow in Aerosol Physics
PhD (Environmental Physics)
+372 737 5555
W.Ostwaldi 1-D507
Terje Tammekivi
Junior Reseach Fellow in Physics 0.6 p
MSc (Industrial Ecology)
W.Ostwaldi 1-D515
Hilja Iher
Specialist for Air Monitoring 0.6 p
MSc (Physics)
+372 447 4604
Madis Noppel
Specialist of Aerosol Physics 0.4 p
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
+372 737 5552
W.Ostwaldi 1-D504
Madis Kiisk
Associate Professor in Ionizing Radiation Physics (employment contract suspended) 0.2 p
PhD (Physics)
Helina Lipp
Specialist (employment contract suspended) 0.3 p
MSc (Physics)