Join the university family

The University of Tartu is the biggest and oldest centre of academic life in Estonia - we have over 4,500 employees and 15,000 students. The unique intellectual atmosphere and fine living and working environment that characterise Tartu have attracted prominent scientists and experts for almost 400 years. Join the university family!

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What is important to us?

What do we offer to our employees?

Who you can find behind the six pillars?

We are all different – of different genders and nationalities, ages and seniorities, with different experiences and skills. You can read the stories of our employees – is it challenging to learn Estonian, who is an archaeochemist, what the university offers while working in an academic position, and many more.

The stories of our people

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for academic staff as well as support staff and managers to join the university family. The share between academic and support staff is almost 50/50, and the percentage of international staff is 12%. We value diversity and encourage you to apply, regardless of gender or any other characteristics. Check out the university's job offers. We are waiting for you!

Current vacancies for support staff and managers

Current vacancies for academic staff