University of Tartu IdeaLab sends the best teams to USA

UT IdeaLab invites teams with early-stage startup ideas to apply for the NGAL®international business development programme taking place from 2–14 June in Tartu, Tallinn and Charleston, USA. Application deadline is 24 March.

Two members of the two teams selected by IdeaLab will take part in a week-long training programme in Estonia, followed by a trip to the United States of America where they develop their idea further with the help of business mentors and take part in a business ideas competition. The teams of all five organising universities will compete for the 3000-dollar first prize.

Last year the University of Tartu team ResDec won the second place in this competition. "The victory was a pleasant surprise," said the founding members, doctoral students Taavi Vanaveski (Neurosciences) and Mikk Puustusmaa (Gene Technology). Vanaveski added that it probably helped that ResDec’s ambition – rooting out antibiotic resistance – was  also a topical issue in US healthcare. Mikk Puustusmaa is grateful to organisers both in Estonia and in the USA, "During the programme we received invaluable contacts, experiences, and advice from mentors". He encourages everyone to participate in the NGAL® programme because it is a great oppurtunity to network and get a lifetime’s worth of experience.

Two members of the teams selected from the University of Tartu will get the trip to America, incl. accommodation and meals, free of charge. All teams whose tech-based startup ideas are not yet fully developed are welcome to apply. More information and application on IdeaLab webpage.

The project is supported by Harry and Reba Huge Foundation.

Further information: Andres Vaher, UT IdeaLab marketing and communication specialist, +372 5558 7359,

Sandra Sommer
Press Officer
tel +372 737 5681
mob +372 5307 7820