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On 11 June, representatives of SEB Estonia and SEB Baltics visited the University of Tartu. During the meeting with Rector Toomas Asser, Vice Rector for Development Tõnu Esko, Head of Finance Kalle Hein and Head of Entrepreneurship Mihkel Tammo, both parties expressed willingness to develop their long-term and meaningful cooperation further.
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The University of Tartu spin-off GaltTec OÜ received a 100,000-euro investment in the pitching competition at the international startup and technology conference Latitude59. 
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Collaboration between computer scientists at the University of Tartu in the development of an app for cancer diagnosis will be boosted through the university's investment company UniTartu Ventures.
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On 14–16 May, a delegation from Yamaguchi, Japan, visited Tartu and the University of Tartu to learn from the University of Tartu's experience for the establishment of the soon-to-be-founded health technologies innovation complex at Yamaguchi University.
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Created by researchers at the University of Tartu, the spin-off Vectiopep has raised €450,000 from an investor syndicate led by Ivo Remmelg and Dag Nurm to help the company reach the next stage of growth.
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The new UT Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is Mihkel Tammo, a man with a diverse entrepreneurial and leadership background and the former head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre of Enterprise Estonia.
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Alongside the creation of new technologies, Ida-Virumaa's transition to a sustainable economic model requires diversified skills and support for the development of research-intensive businesses.
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University of Tartu's self-driving test vehicle now has remote control capabilities due to cooperation between Clevon and the University of Tartu.
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As of 1 April, Mihkel Tammo, who has previously led the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre of Enterprise Estonia and the metal industry company Estanc and was one of the founders of the Green Tiger platform, will start as the Head of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Tartu.
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On 25 March, from 14:00 to 16:00, Patent Attorney Adrien Renaudo will speak about the changes and opportunities that await the founders of deep-tech companies. All interested parties are welcome.
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How can a researcher become an entrepreneur, and what to consider on this journey? The founders of Silklytics OÜ, chemist Hanno Evard and molecular biologist Airiin Laaneväli shared their experiences.
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As the first company in the Estonian food industry, Nõo Meat Factory, together with the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tartu, will start testing novel artificial intelligence and robotics solutions.
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According to Tuul Sepp, Professor in Animal Ecology at the University of Tartu, citizens are increasingly aware of the need to restore urban habitats.
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Last year, applications were submitted for obtaining the University of Tartu experimental development grant for 35 research projects, nine of which will receive funding in the total amount of 315,000 euros.
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Pre-incubation programme "From Science to Business!" helps in creating research-intensive startups.
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Conference "Three Pillars of Circular Bioeconomy: Talent, R&D, and Technologies" took place at the Öpiku Conference Centre in Tallinn (Valukoja 8) on 12 and 13 February 2024.
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Over the next six years, researchers from the University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology will study how Ida-Viru County transitions to a more sustainable economic model, what the region can evolve into, and how local decision-makers could best guide the transition.
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In the upcoming spring semester, for the first time, an elective course titled “Research based Entrepreneurship” will be offered specifically for doctoral students. The course aims to provide doctoral students with basic knowledge of entrepreneurship. Doctoral students from all programmes are welcome, regardless of whether they have a specific idea to focus on for business development during the course or not.
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The first days of January are a good time to look back on what the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation was up to last year.
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Discover how integrating AI into your business can be transformative, as Prof. Marlon Dumas from the Institute of Computer Science explains.
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