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On 27 March at 18:30, the rector candidates Toomas Asser, Raul Eamets and Jaak Vilo meet with students in the conference centre of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1).
  • #rector elections
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The University of Tartu International Summer University Info Session welcomes future participants to learn more about the summer school.
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On 17 March, the finals of one of the largest pitching competitions for youth, Kaleidoskoop, were held for the 19th time.
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Teadlased järjestasid Beethoveni juuste abil tema genoomi, mille tulemusel saadi hulganisti uut teavet nii Beethoveni terviseprobleemide kui ka sugulaste kohta.
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On 20 March, the University of Helsinki announced that Riho Altnurme, Professor of Church History at the University of Tartu, and Madis Noppel, Specialist of Aerosol Physics at the University of Tartu
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Last week, the university spin-off company Gearbox Biosciences won a 125,000‑euro investment at the Startup Pitching competition.
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The sixth national nature marathon will take place on 10-11 June. All interested participants are invited to register their observation sites by 1 June.
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The journal Nature recently published a call to strengthen cooperation among other Arctic nations and researchers who have knowledge of Russian Arctic.
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Winner of the Nordic Deep Tech Pitch Match, the University of Tartu spin-off Vectiopep is developing new cancer treatment technology that activates a person’s natural immunity to cancer.
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On 6 April at 16:15, Vincent Homburg, Professor of E-Governance at the University of Tartu, will hold the inaugural lecture "The Politics of E-Governance"
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Rector Toomas Asser and Minister of Education and Research Tõnis Lukas signed the higher education funding agreement between the Ministry of Education and Research and the University of Tartu.
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Bachelor’s degree ceremony of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities takes place on Monday, 20 June at 13 in the University of Tartu assembly hall (Ülikooli 18).
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Master’s degree ceremony of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities takes place on Thursday, 16 June at 13 in the University of Tartu assembly hall (Ülikooli 18).
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Elmar Gams, a doctoral student of the Unversity of Tartu, was chosen as the winner of the final round held on 10 March at the University of Vilnius in Lithuania.
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Tartu, Estonia, March 14, 2023 – Researchers and students of the Tartu Observatory at the University of Tartu started the development of Estonia's first lunar rover.
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Researchers at the University of Tartu Institute of Computer Science have added Livonian, Komi, Veps and 14 other low-resource Finno-Ugric languages to Neurotõlge.
  • #sustainability
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Today, on 13 March, the commission formed for the University of Tartu rector elections registered Professor Toomas Asser, Professor Raul Eamets and Professor Jaak Vilo as rector candidates.
  • #rector elections
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On 6 March, STARTERnetwork opened a series of webinars to develop the innovation capacity of Ukrainian universities.
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If there is a will, there is a way to speak Estonian after just six months of study. Read how reaching such a level so quickly is possible.
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Stargate Hydrogen and the University of Tartu have successfully concluded the first phase of a joint development project.
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