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On November 20 at 2.15 Kaspar Reier will defend his Doctoral Thesis on ​​​​​​​Molecular Biology „Quantity, stability and disparity of ribosomal components in Escherichia coli stationary phase“.  
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15 November at 19:30 in Jakobi Jalats Armin Mere, the electronics team leader of Solaride and firmware team leader Artur Salumäe will tell us more about the journey of Solaride.
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On 7 November, the Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner Christian Veske and his office met with representatives of the Human Resources Office and an equal treatment support person, Triin Paaver.
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The workshop takes place on December 8th at the Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics, Jakobi 2–114 from 10 AM to 6 PM.
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The conference aims to present starting ideas for the PeatlandN2O project, which received the ERC Advanced Grant in 2023.
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On 23 November Piret Luik, Professor of Didactics of Informatics of the University of Tartu, will give the inaugural lecture “How to attract more girls to IT?” in the university’s assembly hall.
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On 6 November, the council of the Institute of Chemistry elected Research Fellow of Physical Chemistry Piret Pikma as the new head of the institute. Pikma will start work on 1 January 2024, when the term of office of the current director, Professor Enn Lust, ends.
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On 7 November, the council of the University of Tartu Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology re-elected Professor of Microbial Genetics Maia Kivisaar as the director of the institute for 2024-2026.
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On 29 November at 12 Ülikooli 18
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The graduation ceremony of the Johan Skytte Institute for Political Studies will take place on June 19, 2024 at 11:00 in the assembly hall of the university's main building (Ülikooli 18, Tartu)
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On Saturday, 4 November, the Estonian entrepreneurship awards of 2023 were presented. University of Tartu's spin-off Icosagen Cell Factory won the titles of the Innovator of the Year and the Company of the Year.
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Tartu Ülikooli personaliosakond on uuendanud võrdse kohtlemise temaatikat käsitlevat veebilehte.
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On 1 November, Ambassador of Greece Georges Papadopoulos visited the University of Tartu and discussed with the rector how to improve the opportunities of teaching Greek at the university.
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Dmytro Fishman is a Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu. He is also the co-founder and the Chief Science Officer of Better Medicine, a medical imaging startup that is building intelligent tools to enable doctors to diagnose cancer more efficiently.
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Patent attorney Ian Tollett will provide valuable insights on safeguarding inventions at a seminar on 22 November at 14:00 at the University of Tartu Chemicum (Ravila 14a), Room 1020. All are welcome to attend.
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7 November 2023, at 14.15-15.45 in Lossi 36, room 306
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On 17 November at 12:00, Marit Karelson will defend her doctoral thesis „Le Temps d’engagement dans les œuvres d’André Gide et de Johannes Semper: les univers fictionnels entre l’élan vital et la littérature engagée“
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On 19 October, Stage Two, a pan-European competition of universities' research-intensive business ideas, took place in Berlin, with over 50 teams from 40 countries participating.  
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On 14 November at 14:15 Mark Kantšukov will defend his doctoral thesis „Valuation of companies under the distributed profit taxation system“
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The competition for the scholarship established by the rectors of the University of Tartu, University of Latvia and Vilnius University has started again to promote the teaching and learning of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian languages and cultures.
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