Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner visited the university

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Tartu Ülikool

On 7 November, the Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner Christian Veske and his office met with representatives of the Human Resources Office and an equal treatment support person, Triin Paaver.

Christian Veske spoke about his activities and stressed his willingness to work with higher education institutions to promote equal treatment. Veske noted that he is often contacted by students who want his opinion on various issues.

The Human Resources Office presented to Veske the university's activities so far and its next objectives in promoting equal treatment. It was agreed that Veske would be involved in the coming year as a trainer for the university's equal treatment network and in key events on the topic.

The Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner is an independent and impartial public official who monitors compliance with the requirements of the Gender Equality Act and the Equal Treatment Act and supervises both the public and private sectors. He is supported in his work by the Office of Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner. The Commissioner can be contacted by anyone who feels that they have been discriminated against in their working or educational life because of their gender, age, nationality, skin colour, religion, beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, parenthood, family responsibilities or trade union membership.

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