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Research of the Univeristy of Tartu will be presented at the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) held in Leiden, Netherlands, from 13 to 16 July.
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Among others, the University of Tartu geologists, in cooperation with the Estonian Geological Survey, are mapping the reserves of critical metals in the crystalline basement.
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Eugenio Israel Chavez Barreto “The semiotic theory of Luis Jorge Prieto”
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Doctoral defence: Aleksandr Fadeev “Lev Vygotsky’s approach in the Contemporary Semiotic Research of Learning, Meaning-Making and Inner Speech”
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2.-3. septembril toimub 21. Geenifoorum, mis toob kokku silmapaistvad eksperdid Euroopast ja USA-st, et arutada geneetika ja genoomika valdkonna edusamme.
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The research news section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.
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Doctoral defence: Saleh Rahimlouye Barabi "Investigation of diazotrophic bacteria association with plants"
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Doctoral defence: Farzad Aslani „Towards revealing the biogeography of belowground diversity“
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University of Tartu starts the project "Climate awareness from school to society: empowering children, youth and teachers to reduce the effects of climate change" with partners.
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The results of the recently ended wave of the prevalence study led by the University of Tartu show that the number of people infected with coronavirus has been on the decline for a third month.
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University of Tartu researchers in cooperation with colleagues from the Principe Felice Research Center of Valencia have developed a new drug OximUNO, which has shown to treat breast cancer in mice.
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On Thursday, 16 June, at the Demo Day at the University of Tartu Delta Centre, the university's researchers will present to prospective partners and investors nearly 30 development ideas.
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LUMI, Europe’s most powerful supercomputer, will be inaugurated in Kajaani (Finland) on Monday, 13 June. From now on, researchers all over Europe can apply for access to LUMI's resources. LUMI has bee
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Ester Oras, Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry and Associate Professor of Archaeology at the University of Tartu receives the fellowship For Women in Science.
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The fourth conference of East European Network for Philosophy of Science takes place from 17th to 19th of August 2022, in Tartu, Estonia.
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UniTartu Ventures and UP Catalyst have entered into a contract, the first of its kind in Estonia, whereby the university becomes a shareholder by investing intellectual property in the company.
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The research news section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.
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The University of Tartu confers four honorary doctorates.
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The results of the prevalence study led by the University of Tartu show that the number of coronavirus infections has decreased considerably over a month, but the wave is not over yet.
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On May 9th at 14:15, UT Department of Semiotics hosts a hybrid research discussion "Feelings, Actions, and Thoughts in the First Days of Full-Scale War in Ukraine".
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