Chief Digital Officer to start work in the University of Tartu

On 1 July, Erkki Leego will take office as the new head of Information Technology Office, as well as the Chief Digital Officer at the university. His tasks will include ensuring high-quality IT support service and cyber security at the university, designing the university’s digital strategy and coordinating the digitalisation process.

UT Director of Administration Kstina Vallimäe said she had offered the position with the firm vision that Erkki Leego could lead the whole digitalisation process at the university. Leego will be the head of the Information Technology Office but the scope of his duties will be much broader.

“What we expect from Erkki is skilful and effective IT management, raising the digitalisation level of the university, as well as leading the university’s digital cooperation with the university’s partners and networks in Estonia and making it more effective,” Kstina Vallimäe added.

Erkki Leego said he had decided to accept the position of the university’s head of digital development because the smart use of digital solutions is, in his view, the key to ensuring efficiency in a modern organisation. “Information technology has an important role in shaping a learning, working and creative environment that values talent. Digital solutions must ensure that administrative procedures and records management are not exhausting tasks and that there is enough time for big ideas,” said Leego. “The University of Tartu as Estonia’s oldest and biggest academic organisation has an opportunity and the responsibility to be a trailblazer in the field of digitalisation.”

According to Leego, his first major task is to ensure that the university’s numerous digital solutions operated smoothly, providing excellent user experience. “The next exciting tasks in my job as the Chief Digital Officer will be the implementation of optimal, paper-free workflows, ethical use of data, personalisation, and event-driven services,” said Leego.

He says that the more widespread is the use of IT solutions, the more users depend on their quality and functioning. Therefore, business continuity planning and management must play an essential part in the adoption of digital solutions.

“The university is a large and nuanced institution, and digitalisation will not be an easy task. I accepted this challenge, being convinced in the university leaders’ strong desire to be pioneers in the area of digitalisation. This high-flying goal of the University of Tartu is illustrated by fact that the university has taken responsibility for leading the Digital Campus action in the U4 Network of top universities,” Leego said.

Erkki Leego is a top IT manager and specialist with more than 20 years of experience. He has previously worked as the Head of IT Office in the Chancellery of the Riigikogu, Director of Information Services at Tartu University Hospital, and as a consultant he has advised more than 150 enterprises on the effective implementation of information technology.

He is a founder and partner of the Leego Hansson IT management and consultation company. Erkki Leego has an MSc in Computer Science and he delivered lecture courses on strategic IT management at the University of Tartu. He is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA). Read more about Erkki Leego on Leego Hansson website.

Further information:
Kstina Vallimäe, UT Director of Administration, +372 737 5118, +372 507 4189,
Erkki Leego, +372 5332 9211,