International community discusses cybersecurity in Tartu

On  November 8-10, Tartu hosts the Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems, which brings together experts from different parts of the world.

NordSec is an annual research conference series of the Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia), addressing topics of data security. The conference papers are published by the renowned Springer publishing company. Three keynote speakers have been invited: Prof. Aggelos Kiayias of the University of Edinburgh, who speaks about blockchain; Senior Research Fellow Ilya Mironov of Google, whose topic is privacy in machine learning; and Senior Research Fellow Dario Fiore of IMDEA Software Institute, who speaks about authentication of computing. The conference has eighteen subtopics in which authors introduce their research.

This year’s conference brings researchers to Tartu to discuss cybersecurity, cryptography and privacy. The conference is organised in rotation and Estonia is the organiser in every sixth year. “Previously, NordSec has been held in Tartu in 2005 and in Tallinn in 2011. This time it is held in Tartu again, namely because a large community of our cryptography specialists work here,” explains the general chair of the conference, UT Lead Research Fellow of Cryptography Helger Lipmaa.

The three-day conference is held at Dorpat Convention Centre and convenes more than 50 scientists from the USA, Japan, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and several other countries. The organising committee is led by UT associate professor Raimundas Matulevičius.

Additional information: Helger Lipmaa, General Chair, 5333 0233,

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