Most of the personal research grants went to the University of Tartu

On February 19 the board of the Estonian Research Council approved the funding decisions concerning personal research grants. The biggest funding goes to the researchers at the University of Tartu, whose research is being supported with 1,343,019 euros.

The biggest number of applications for personal research grants came from the researchers at the University of Tartu. The board of the Estonian Research Council approved the funding for a total of 27 projects by UT researchers; 11 of these are startup projects for commencing independent research, while 16 are research projects for new areas of study, i.e. search projects. The search projects are intended to support innovative, tentative research projects at a high international level that may involve a high scientific risk.

The biggest funding for a startup project, 52,614 euros, was awarded to Darya Lavygina, a research fellow at the Bioorganic Chemistry chair, with the topic “Väikese molekulmassiga sondid Aurora A/PIM/NuMa signaaliraja proteiinkinaaside uurimiseks elusrakkude mitoosifaasis”, while the topic “Hüpotermia toimel indutseeritud faktorite tuvastamine” by the senior research fellow in Physiology, Christian Ansgar Hundahl, was supported with 52,080 euros.

The largest search project grant, 72,000 euros, went to Vahur Zadin, a Materials Technology research fellow at the University of Tartu, for the topic “Materjaliefektide tekke simuleerimine raadiosageduslikes elektriväljades lineaarpõrguti disainis”, 71,760 euros’ worth of funding was awarded to Ivar Ilves, a senior research fellow in Biomedicine, with the topic “Replikatiivse helikaasi (CMG) regulatsioon genotoksilise stressi vastusradade poolt”, and Viljar Jaks, a research fellow in Cell Biology, received a grant in the amount of 70,969 euros for the topic “Aeglaselt jagunevad tüvirakud normaalses maksas ja maksakasvajates: nende roll ja regulatsioon normaalse ja kasvajalise koe alalhoius”.

With the decision of the board of the Estonian Research Council, 2,198,612 euros were allotted for funding a total of 42 research projects.

For more information and a list of the projects being funded, click here.

Virge Tamme
Press Officer of the UT
Phone: +372 737 5683
Mobile: +372 5815 5392