At the Raatuse dormitory, residents with negative test results were relieved of the restriction on movement

According to the latest information, no further positive coronavirus tests have been detected at the Tartu Raatuse dormitory. Separate zones have been created in the dormitory for those infected, those who have had contact with the infected, and those who are well. Residents whose test results were negative and who had not had any contact with infected residents were relieved of the restriction on movement today.

According to the head of the Tartu crisis team mayor Urmas Klaas, this morning brought better news since no new positive cases were found. “All our partners have done excellent work and they have done their utmost in order to stop the virus from spreading at the dormitory. At the same time, we have to stay vigilant, because the disease is deceptive and young people often do not exhibit symptoms. For that reason, the Health Board has done thorough work in tracing and mapping people’s movement in retrospect,” added Klaas.

In total, 274 persons have been tested at the Raatuse dormitory, of whom 16 were tested positive. Residents with positive test results are prohibited from leaving their room until they are well. The 27 persons who have had contact with them have also been moved to a separate zone in the dormitory, where they have to remain for the next two weeks in order to monitor their health. These residents are also allowed to spend time in the backyard of the dormitory. Those in isolation have been separated, so that they would not have contact with the rest of the residents. Those residents who have had negative test results are relieved of the restriction on movement. People who do not live in the dormitory are not allowed to enter. The restriction on movement is monitored by the police based on documents of identification.

In cooperation with the Student Village, the University of Tartu has organised catering for the residents in isolation, provided personal protective equipment and disinfectants, ensured that they have the opportunity to do laundry, and arranged for the safe collection of their waste. Common rooms in the dormitory were cleaned and their utilisation was reorganised. The residents of the dormitory have all been notified about the reorganisation due to the restriction on movement and about the current rules of conduct.

On 17 April after an order from Jüri Ratas, the person in charge of the emergency situation, a restriction on movement was set in place for the residents of the dormitory until the testing has been carried out, all those with contact with the infected persons determined, and the test results returned. A strategic headquarter has been set up to resolve the situation, which includes representatives from the Tartu City Government, the University of Tartu, the Estonian Health Board, the Southern rescue centre, the Southern Prefecture, the Tartu emergency medical care centre, and the NGO Tartu Student Village. Mayor Urmas Klaas is leading the work of the team. To fulfil the tasks set for the University of Tartu and NGO Tartu Student Village, a crisis headquarter has also been set up at the University of Tartu, led by the university’s Academic Secretary Tõnis Karki.

Additional information: Mayor Urmas Klaas, 513 5145,; University of Tartu Academic Secretary Tõnis Karki, 529 7917,; head of operations for the emergency situation in the Southern region Margo Klaos, 503 5112,