Until March 28, the University of Tartu is inviting its members’ to ask questions from the rector candidates, Toomas Asser and Margit Sutrop.
All university employees and students can ask questions via the special form (anonymously) or by sending an email to siseinfo@ut.ee. This is an excellent opportunity to hear the rector candidates’ opinions on university life and on the development of the area that interests you most in the University of Tartu.
The Communication Unit will gather the questions and send them to the rector candidates. Questions and the rector candidates’ answers to them will be published on the university’s website and intranet on a rolling basis.
On 5 April at 16:15, the candidates will hold a public debate in the University of Tartu assembly hall. At the debate, simultaneous translation into English is provided.
On 15 March 2017, the election commission registered UT Professor of Practical Philosophy Margit Sutrop and UT Professor of Neurosurgery Toomas Asser as candidates for UT rector. The election meeting takes place on 26 April at 12:00 in the University of Tartu assembly hall.
Contact: Viivika Eljand-Kärp, Head Specialist for Internal Communication, 737 5683, siseinfo@ut.ee