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On 14 March at 13, all university members and language lovers are welcome to the university assembly hall to celebrate Estonia’s Mother Tongue Day.
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Evelyn Uuemaa will deliver her inaugural lecture “Use of spatial data and artificial intelligence in environmental monitoring” in the university assembly hall on Wednesday, 13 March at 16:15.
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President Toomas Hendrik Ilves' speech at the ceremony dedicated to the 106th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia on 23 February 2024.
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At the university’s ceremony marking the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Henri Pokk, a master’s student of the University of Tartu, was announced the winner of the three rectors’ scholarship competition, which was held for the seventh time.
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The €5,000 scholarship of the Professor Peeter Tulviste Memorial Fund of the University of Tartu Foundation was awarded to Mari Tõrv, Associate Professor of Archaeology and Research Fellow in Analytical and Physical Chemistry at the University of Tartu, whose research focuses on the interpretation and protection of archaeological cultural heritage.
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Rector Toomas Asser's speech at the ceremony dedicated to the 106th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia on 23 February 2024.
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Last year, applications were submitted for obtaining the University of Tartu experimental development grant for 35 research projects, nine of which will receive funding in the total amount of 315,000 euros.
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On the eve of the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Rector of the University of Tartu Toomas Asser announced the university’s contribution to society award, research award and language award and the recipients of the teaching staff of the year award for 2023.
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Based on the submitted proposals, the committee formed by the UT Student Union chose the recipients of the teaching staff of the year awards for 2023.
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An international team of scientists led by astronomers from Tartu Observatory of the University of Tartu has discovered many superclusters in the universe, with the most prominent among them named the ‘Einasto Supercluster’ in honour of Prof. Jaan Einasto, a pioneering figure in the field, who will celebrate his 95th birthday on 23 February.
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Orhideenäitusel saab sel aastal vaadelda põnevaid orhideeliike otse Ecuadorist. Näituse osana toimub ka orhideekonkurss, millest on võimalik oma orhideega osa võtta. Näituse programm on sisustatud põnevate ürituste, töötubade ja ekskursioonidega.
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Integrating data on plant traits from the top to the roots will allow researchers to predict the effects of different global change scenarios on plant communities and their functioning across scales.
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Conference "Methodologies and Ideologies in Interreligious Engagement: Building Bridges in a Multipolar World" (ESITIS 2024)!
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The jury of the architecture competition, organised by the University of Tartu in cooperation with the Estonian Association of Architects, selected the best design solution for reconstructing the academic building of the university’s Tallinn office of the School of Law and designing the yard area. The winning entry was “Cascade” by the architectural office Kauss Arhitektuur OÜ.
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Participate in a series of seminars aimed at developing your career.
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On 9 February, the council of the Institute of Bioengineering elected Professor of Molecular Systems Biology Mart Loog as Director of the institute.
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Members of the university’s Rector’s Office were in Brussels on 7 and 8 February to get an overview of the European Union’s research and higher education policy trends.
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Europe’s biodiversity continues to decline at an alarming rate, with most protected species and habitats confronting poor conservation status. Facing the pressure, it is important to understand and model the forces and processes shaping biodiversity with novel tools and methods for knowledge-based and integrated management of natural resources, opening new horizons for science, policymaking and implementation.
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The web repository features practical educational and informational materials that encourage young people to test their digital skills.
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Jaan Einasto will share his memories of becoming a world-famous scientist through pictures.
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