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Over the next seven years, the government will fund ten centres of excellence addressing scientific issues of importance to Estonia. The University of Tartu has tight connections with all of them.
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The first days of January are a good time to look back on what the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation was up to last year.
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The Alliance4Life consortium, consisting of 12 leading life science institutions from 11 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, including the University of Tartu, hosted the conference "Widening Instruments - Participants' View".
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"On behalf of the University of Tartu community, I am expressing our deep sadness and shock over the tragic events at Charles University Faculty of Arts and extend our solidarity and support in this most difficult of situations.
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On 22 December the university announced a framework call for tenders for electricity procurement from renewable energy sources.
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16 entries were submitted to the idea competition for the reconstruction of the University of Tartu School of Law building in Tallinn 
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Discover how integrating AI into your business can be transformative, as Prof. Marlon Dumas from the Institute of Computer Science explains.
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At the council meeting of the University of Tartu’s Centre for Sustainable Development on 13 December, the council appointed Professor of Environmental Health Hans Orru as the new Head of the Centre.
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The company will utilise the funds to scale up their local production of carbon materials and graphite derived from CO2 emissions, offering a sustainable alternative source of raw materials to European battery manufacturers.
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University of Tartu Chief Information Security Officer Risto Rahu explains the changes that will be made in the email service at the beginning of 2024.
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The University of Tartu plans to establish a subsidiary, Estonian Multiomics Company (EMC). Its aim is to bring together individuals who give access to their health data and trusted companies that analyse people’s pseudonymised health data to create innovative health services and products.
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The University of Tartu and Leil Storage OÜ today announced a landmark Memorandum of Understanding that marks the beginning of a collaboration aimed at revolutionising the field of data storage.
  • #entrepreneurship
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In 2024, the University of Tartu plans to invest 17 million euros in its buildings. We spoke to Director of Administration Kstina Noormets about the university’s plans for this year and the years ahead.
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15 November, the Office of the President of the Republic organised a nuclear technology seminar, where President Alar Karis was briefed about the specifics of nuclear energy production
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In the first half of 2024, the university’s procedure for using the email service will be amended.
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On 8 December, in UT Library, the competition jury opened the sealed envelopes with names of the authors of the winning designs for an academic and research building on the Maarjamõisa field. From the ten entries submitted to the competition, the architectural solution “Sudoku” by Kauss Arhitektuur OÜ and Väli OÜ was announced as the winner.
  • #university
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The general assembly of the Estonian Academy of Science selected Pärt Peterson, Professor of Molecular Immunology at the University of Tartu as a member of the academy in the field of biomedicine. 
  • #research
  • UT in media
The ENLIGHT Impact Award recognises and gives visibility to outstanding research done at ENLIGHT universities that are exemplars in planning for and achieving impact.
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Adult learners are welcome to participate in micro-credential programmes starting in the spring semester and delivered in block mode or online form suitable for working people. Applications can be submitted until 21 January 2024.
  • #continuing education
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University of Tartu spin-off company GaltTec OÜ is the first startup in Estonia that has managed to get through the tough application process to the NATO innovation accelerator.
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