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On 12 April, the ceramics exhibition "Ex terra. Hortus luteus" opened at the Botanical Garden, featuring ceramic works of art made mainly by wood-firing. The exhibition will remain open until 31 May.
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From 14 April to 18 June, all members of the university family, alumni, their families and anyone else are invited to complete an orienteering course.
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The ENLIGHT network invites all the staff and students from the University of Tartu to participate in the online Open Science Award ceremony on 25 April at 14.
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On 12 May at 10:15 Diego Pires Ferraz Da Trindade will defend his doctoral thesis "Dark diversity dynamics linked to global change: taxonomic and functional perspective"
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A delegation from the University of Bern visited the University of Tartu to learn about its structure and management.
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The Mobility Lab of the University of Tartu invites all people interested in mobility analysis, transport planning and urban liveability to take part in the public online lecture series.
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As part of ENLIGHT’s educational cooperation, an online training on virtual exchange will be offered on 12 May. 
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On Wednesday, 19 April, at 19, the first University of Tartu Spring Run will take place.
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12 April we will talk about Estonia's first lunar rover. Our guests are Mihkel Pajusalu, Associate Professor of Space Technology at the Tartu Observatory, and Space Technology engineer Karin Kruuse.
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The Estonian Academy of Sciences elected University of Tartu Professor of Estonian as Foreign Language Birute Klaas-Lang as Researcher-Professor of teaching Estonian language for 2023–2024​.
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Designer Reet Aus will discuss the textile industry's environmental impact at the Nature Talks at the University of Tartu Natural History Museum.
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The University of Tartu and the Blood Centre of Tartu University Hospital invite the university family to a blood donor day on Monday, 24 April, from 11 to 15 at the Delta Centre.
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At the ENLIGHT’s Impact Conference held in Spain from 30 to 31 March, the Impact Award in digital revolution went to Associate Professor of Sociology of Sustainability Kati Orru and her research team.
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Researchers of the University of Tartu Centre for Sustainable Development point out eight key facts and nine activities connected with Estonia and climate change.
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ENLIGHT RISE has prepared a toolkit to foster researchers’ cooperation
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The annual report of the University of Tartu continuing education for 2022 has been compiled.
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On Tuesday, University of Tartu rector candidates met for a public debate where they introduced the key points of their election platforms and answered the questions of the university family.
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The application process for student representatives has ended, and now it is time for the students of the University of Tartu to decide who will be the next student representatives.
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On 10 April at 16:00 the rector candidates will meet with the Faculty of Medicine.
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On 27 March, the election platforms of rector candidates Professor  Toomas Asser, Professor  Raul Eamets  and Professor Jaak Vilo  were published on the university’s website. 
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