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On November 10 at 09:15 Mariann Koel will defend her doctoral thesis “The molecular interactions between trophoblast and endometrial cells in embryo implantation” on Cell Biology.
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On 26 October at 14:00 Moonika Teppo will defend her doctoral thesis.
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The third ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference took place at the University of Bordeaux from 11 to 13 October 2023. The focus of the conference was on empowering students. 
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Professor emeritus Gebhard Josef Selz of the University of Vienna will visit the University of Tartu and its Centre for Oriental Studies from 19 to 21 October.
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Doctoral defence: Tiina Paet „Võõrainese kinnistumine eesti keeles: keelekorralduslik ja leksikograafiline vaade“
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The three-minute thesis competition for University of Tartu doctoral students brought together young researchers of many disciplines.
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The University of Tartu, in cooperation with the Tallinn University of Technology, have developed a strategy and action plan for developing health technologies and services for 2023–2028. By the end of the decade, the strategy aims to have at least 200 research-intensive companies with international reach operating in this field in Estonia, helping prevent and treat diseases both in Estonia and worldwide.
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Experts see digitised cell line development as one of six key deep technologies for Estonia, with a breakthrough expected within the next twenty years. Estonia’s possibilities in this field are mainly linked to pharmaceutical development and personalised medicine, shows the Foresight Centre in its recent brief report “Digitised Cell Line Development: State of Play and Prospects”. The Univeristy of Tartu will offer strong research competence on these fields.
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DeFacto Dialogues, October 5
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The public event takes place on Thursday, 28 September, in the conference hall of the University of Tartu Library.
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Silvia Kurr will defend her doctoral thesis "Material Ekphrasis: Bringing Together New Materialisms and Ekphrastic Studies"
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On 25 September at 12:00 Alo Lilles will defend his doctoral thesis „The relationship between university-industry cooperation and regional capabilities in Europe“
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The Teaming centres of excellence in digitalised bioengineering and personalised medicine at the University of Tartu are expected to become lighthouses in the region, attracting the best scientists and bringing change to the innovation landscape nationally and internationally.
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The hybrid workshop 4-5 Oct, 2023, rooms 336, 306 at Jakobi 2, Tartu and Zoom.
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We are excited to announce the upcoming stellar spectroscopy workshop hosted by Tartu Observatory under the EXOHOST project, and we invite you to join us on 27–28 September in Tõravere or Zoom.
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On 19 September at 14:15 Vlad-Julian Piljukov will defend his doctoral thesis „Biochemical characterization of Irc3 helicase“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Molecular Biology).
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Hedvig Tamman focuses in her research project on the arms race between bacteria and bacterial viruses, and Uku Vainik on identifying the links between obesity-related genetic and behavioural factors
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The two-way defence mechanisms of bacteria and phages, viruses of the bacteria, can offer a solution to antibiotic resistance problems. Hedvig Tamman, Associate Professor of Genetics at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, received the Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) to study the microbial arms race.
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Uku Vainik, Associate Professor of Behavioural Genetics at the University of Tartu, has been awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) to study the behavioural and genetic links to obesity and to identify possible new interventions to combat obesity.
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Doctoral defence: Andra Annuka-Loik „Naer ja naerev hääl eesti suulises suhtluses" ("Laughter and smile voice in Estonian spoken interaction") on 19 September 2023 at 14:15.
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