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The Botanical Garden's traditional Garden Day will take place on 3 May from 10 AM to 3 PM. Every garden enthusiast can discover new plants for their garden.
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Mart Maasik visited Copenhagen as a member of Prime Minister Kaja Kallas' business delegation to develop investment relations and cooperation in the region.
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According to the universities’ reputation survey conducted by Kantar Emor this spring, people consider the University of Tartu as Estonia’s most reputable higher education institution.
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Estonian Research Council nominated 13 Estonian researchers to be added to the portal of leading women researchers AcademiaNet. Nominees from the University of Tartu are Tiina Tamm and Pilvi Ilves.
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The graduation ceremonies of the University of Tartu are held from 14 to 21 June.
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On 13 June, ENLIGHT will hold an online 1.5-hour networking event, inviting all interested UT staff members to participate. 
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On 17 May, the election commission confirmed the results of the senate elections. 
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The language learning hub, created to support the Estonian language learning of international staff, international students and students who speak Estonian as a foreign language.
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On 15 May, the University of Tartu Museum and the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden were given the Green Museum certificate.
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In this year's call for applications for the University of Tartu Feasibility Fund grants, nine projects were awarded funding for one-year development work.
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Night Library will be 20 years old this year, and to celebrate this, the project will last longer than ever before - for five weeks. The Night Library opened on Monday, 15 May.
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Teaching staff of the University of Tartu are encouraged to nominate their course to the ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Award 2023.
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At the initiative of the Estonian Human Rights Centre, Diversity Month is celebrated in May. 10 May was Diversity Day.
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On Saturday, May 20, the Museum Night "Movement in the Night" will take place.
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To mark the European Diversity Month, the University of Bordeaux invites to two ENLIGHT webinars on 17 and 23 May.
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The Deputy Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Maive Rute will visit the University of Tartu.
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2.–4. maini toimus Rootsi kuninga Carl XVI Gustafi ja kuninganna Silvia riigivisiit Eestisse, mille käigus külastas kuningapaar ka Tartu Ülikooli ja andis üle Rootsi Kuninglikud Põhjatähe ordenid. 
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During the visit of the Swedish business delegation to the University of Tartu Estonian Biobank and Delta Centre on 4 May, sustainability and resilience were discussed.
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From 2 to 24 May, all students of the University of Tartu can apply to be a member of the University of Tartu Student Union (UTSU) Board.
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ENLIGHT invites participants to an online lecture on 10 May at 16:00 where three experts discuss AI and its impact on teaching and learning.  
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