Kantar Emor survey: University of Tartu continues as the most reputable higher education institution in Estonia

Tartu Ülikooli peahoone
Andres Tennus

According to the universities’ reputation survey conducted by Kantar Emor this spring among Estonian residents aged 15–60, people of all age groups consider the University of Tartu as Estonia’s most reputable higher education institution.

When asked about higher education institutions, 86% of the respondents spontaneously mentioned the University of Tartu first; the percentage was even higher, 97%, among young people aged 15-24. The reputation of the University of Tartu was considered excellent or very good by 84% of the nearly 1,400 respondents.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of the University of Tartu, Aune Valk, is pleased to point out that, according to the survey, the university’s reputation is based on first-class education, credibility, high-level research and successful alumni. The university’s diploma is highly valued in the labour market. The internationalisation of the university is also seen as an advantage.

In addition to providing cutting-edge professional expertise, the university is increasingly creating opportunities for students to acquire future skills and participate in practical projects. “These opportunities have already been used in the Solaride solar vehicle and the ESTCube projects, as well as other projects created by or involving students. Developing the skills that will be increasingly important in future working life is also one of the objectives of the university’s strategic plan. For example, a competition for university-wide courses supporting the development of creativity, sustainable mindset, critical thinking and digital skills is underway,” said Valk.

Besides the excellence of its graduates, the University of Tartu is acknowledged for its tough admissions competition. “Every year, around 40% of secondary school leavers apply to the University of Tartu, and around half of them can start their studies. We still encourage everyone with a strong interest to apply to the university,” Valk added.

Applications for the Estonian-taught curricula at the University of Tartu are accepted until 28 June. Admission is open for 53 first-level and 49 master’s programmes.

Every spring, Kantar Emor conducts the universities’ reputation survey to study the reputation and renown of Estonian higher education institutions among the Estonian population. This year’s survey was conducted in March and April, and the respondents were 1,384 Estonian residents aged 15–60.

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