On Friday, 18 October, starting at 18:00, the final gala of the Estonian Academy of Sciences' English-language competition “Science in 3 minutes” will take place.
On October 25 at 10:15 Daniela León Velandia will defend her doctoral thesis "Mycorrhizal trait distribution and composition in plant communities under natural gradients"
On 10 October, the City of Tartu presented awards to the best entrepreneurs at the gala in Athena Centre. Vectiopep OÜ, a company operating in the field of health technology, was awarded the title of the University of Tartu spin-off of the year 2024.
On October 18th, the University of Tartu's eighth Hydrogen Day will focus on finding opportunities to accelerate investments and applications in hydrogen technology. The event can be followed on Zoom.
In the summer, two large book donations were made to the University of Tartu Library, adding to its existing collection of books on the classical and early modern periods.
From 8 May to 20 October, all UT employees, students, alumni and all others interested are welcome to complete the orienteering course and reconnect with the history of the UT dormitories.
As part of Tartu Entrepreneurship Week, which is taking place from 7-13 October, the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Tartu has launched an outdoor media campaign showcasing six of the university’s spin-offs.
On 21 October at 10:00 Liisi Lembinen will defend her doctoral thesis „Comprehending Decision-Making in Academic Library Leadership: A Situational Analysis“
On October 21 at 10:15 Iryna Yatsiuk will defend her doctoral thesis "Evolution, species delimitation and diversity in myxomycetes: Arcyria and allied genera"