Three professors of humanities elected members of Academy of Europe

Academia Europaea, the European Academy of Humanities, Letters and Sciences, elected UT Professor of Literary Theory Marina Grishakova, Professor of Modern Estonian Language Helle Metslang and Professor of Comparative Literature Jüri Talvet members of the Academy of Europe. It is recognition of their international research work and continuous contribution to European research.

Professor Grishakova and Professor Talvet of UT Institute of Cultural Research and Arts were elected members of Academia Europaea in the literary and theatrical studies section. Professor of Modern Estonian Language Helle Metslang became an academician of linguistic studies.

According to Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Professor Margit Sutrop, the election of three professors of humanities into the Academy of Europe is great news as this increases the international visibility of the humanities. “Academia Europaea actively develops European research policy, which is why it is important that we are copiously represented. Participating in the work of Academia Europaea gives numerous new ideas and high-level cooperation partners with whom to initiate joint research projects. It is a win for the entire University of Tartu,” said Sutrop.

The reputable academy has 13 Estonian members. In addition to Grishakova, Talvet and Metslang, who were elected this year, Jaak Aaviksoo, Jüri Allik, Jaan Einasto, Jüri Engelbrecht, Toivo Maimets, Ülo Mander, Tarmo Soomere, Margit Sutrop, Enn Tõugu and Rein Vaikmäe have also been elected as members of the Academy.

The Academy seeks to encourage the highest possible standards in scholarship, research and education and to promote a better understanding among the public at large of the benefits of knowledge and learning, and of scientific and scholarly issues which affect society, its quality of life and its standards of living.

Virge Tamme
Press Officer of the UT
Phone: +372 737 5683
Mobile: +372 5815 5392


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