The University of Tartu starts using video lectures in entrepreneurship studies

The University of Tartu is the very first university in Estonia that starts using video lectures of its lecturers for teaching entrepreneurship subjects, where the lecturers discuss topics that are important for beginning entrepreneurs.

Using video lecturers in teaching is a new method in the University of Tartu, which aims at creating a uniform entrepreneurship studies package together with seminars. "If students usually participate in lectures, make independent home assignments and group works, then entrepreneurship studies in the University of Tartu will be just the opposite — students will listen to lectures at home and group works will be discussed in the auditorium," entrepreneurship lector of UT Mervi Raudsaar commented on the innovative nature of video lectures.

"In those videos we will outline the main topics that a student interested in business, a beginning entrepreneur and also an experienced company manager could take into consideration," told marketing docent of UT Andres Kuusik, who is also one of the lecturers who has held video lectures. Video lectures are also held by Tõnis Mets, Business Professor at the University of Tartu, manager of IdeaLab Kalev Kaarna, business lectors Mervi Raudsaar and Triin Kask and marketing assistant Tanel Mehine.

The video lectures of UT have been prepared in the framework of entrepreneurship studies promotion project of Primus programme, where in addition to the University of Tartu, Tallinn University, Tallinn University of Technology and Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences also take part in.

Virge Tamme
Tartu Ülikooli pressiesindaja
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