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On 31 March at 10:15 Ahto Agan will defend his doctoral thesis “Interactions between invasive pathogens and resident mycobiome in the foliage of trees”.
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By participating in the Aitan Kaitsta initiative, University of Tartu staff help defend Ukraine by making camouflage nets and helmet covers.
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The ENLIGHT network is organising the second European Dialogue in Galway, Ireland, from 23 to 25 May 2023, focusing on digital innovation in health and well-being.
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On 14 March at 13:00, all university members and language lovers are welcome to celebrate Estonia’s Mother Tongue Day in the university assembly hall.
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On 10 March at 13, Toni Tuominen will defend his PhD thesis on "Missing baryons and the large-scale structure of the universe".
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Tartu Observatory in Tõravere once again welcomes all orienteering and hiking ethusiasts to the annual orienteering event on March 14th.
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The early career researchers  of the University of Tartu are welcome to apply for the annual ENLIGHT mobility award, which will be granted to new and ongoing joint R&I projects (proposals).
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The University of Tartu Academic Sports Club invites the university’s staff and students to come to see the games of the University of Tartu Maks & Moorits basketball team in March​.
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Society and its needs are changing very rapidly today. In the coming decades, certain societal challenges will transform the labour market, education, and our everyday lives.
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Startup Estonia and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications have prepared an action plan to develop research- and technology-intensive startup entrepreneurship.
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On Thursday at 11, Delta Career Day is once again held in the University of Tartu Academic Sports Club, bringing together students and the most reputable Estonian companies in the field of computer sc
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The University of Tartu welcomes our future bachelor’s and medical students to join Open Doors Day 2023 on 1 March
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To commemorate the victims of the war, the university's Ukrainian community organises two peaceful events this Friday and Saturday, to which all university members are invited.
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Meditsiiniteaduste valdkonna 4. aasta üliõpilase Renar Kihho tervitus Eesti Vabariigi 105. aastapäeva aktusel 23. veebruaril 2023. aastal Tartu Ülikooli aulas.
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The 5,000-euro scholarship goes to Dmitri Rozgonjuk, a University of Tartu researcher and master's student in Data Science, whose academic research focuses on the impact of the use of smart devices on
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Speech by Margit Keller, Head of the Centre for Sustainable Development and Associate Professor in Social Communication, at the ceremony dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.
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Rector Toomas Asser's speech at the ceremony dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia on 23 February 2023 at 12:00 in the assembly hall of the University of Tartu 
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We welcome proposals for 20-minute presentations accompanied by a short bionote by March 20, 2023. Send submissions to with ‘Proposal for Summer School’ as the subject. 
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On 27 February at 12:15‒13:45, the University of Tartu and Embassy of Japan in Estonia invite everyone to participate in an online lecture about Japanese economy.
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The equity working group of the ENLIGHT network invites to a thematic online seminar “A Just City: City Planning and Equity” on 7 March from 14 to 16.
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