
Call for mobility awards for University of Tartu researchers

All researchers of the University of Tartu are welcome to apply for the annual ENLIGHT mobility award. The call for the mobility award is open until 15 December 2023, but the call will be closed automatically once all the 20 mobility awards have been awarded.    

ENLIGHT finances 20 mobility awards of up to €1,000 each to help deepen the envisioned plans for new and ongoing projects and proposals and support ENLIGHT researchers in expanding their network. The award will be granted to new and ongoing joint research and innovation projects (proposals) on ENLIGHT flagship challenges jointly conducted by early-career researchers from at least two ENLIGHT consortium partners.  

Applications are made through the designated form and sent as a PDF-document to  

The awarded projects will automatically be selected as candidates for the ENLIGHT R&I Prize. The prize consists of a mobility award of up to €5,000 for participation in conferences, workshops or training programmes that can strengthen the required capacity within the project team. Read more about the award and the ENLIGHT network.  

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Doctoral defence: Liva Rudzite-Celmina "Creations Involving Artificial Intelligence Under the European Patent Convention: Legal Implications and Potential Solutions“

7. veebruaril kell 10.00 kaitseb Liva Rudzite-Celmina õigusteaduse erialal doktoritööd „Creations Involving Artificial Intelligence Under the European Patent Convention: Legal Implications and Potential Solutions“ („Tehisintellekti kaasav looming ja Euroopa patendikonventsioon: õiguslikud tagajärjed ja võimalikud lahendused“).
Euroopa Molekulaarbioloogia Organisatsiooni (EMBO) käesoleva aasta installatsioonigrandi saajad.

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