Cornerstone ceremony to be held for Narva college of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences today

Estonian Academy of Security Sciences rector Marek Link, University of Tartu rector Toomas Asser and Chairman of the Management Board of Nordecon AS Gerd Müller will be laying the cornerstone of the new building of the academy’s Narva college at 12:00 today, 18 June 2019. As part of the ceremony, a time capsule will be embedded in the structure of the building.

Estonian Academy of Security Sciences rector Marek Link said that the construction of the new college supports developments in the study of domestic security in Narva. “By creating a base in the region we’re supporting our students in gaining practice and experience that will help them do their work much more effectively in the future,” he remarked. “One of the aims of establishing the college, and indeed of what we do generally, is to boost the sense of security in Narva and Ida-Viru County generally.”

Through its regional colleges the University of Tartu has supported uniform development throughout Estonia, offering learning opportunities to those who are unwilling or unable to study in Tartu itself. The university’s Narva College has chalked up more than 1600 graduates in the 20 years it has been operating in the city. “The new dorm that’s being built will enable us to take a much more active approach to inviting students to come and study here from other parts of Estonia, and from outside of the country as well,” said University of Tartu rector Toomas Asser. “It’ll give a real boost to the educational scene in Narva and contribute to development in Ida-Viru County as a whole.”

Chairman of the Management Board of Nordecon AS Gerd Müller says that undertaking construction in Narva is something special for both the builders themselves and the local residents. “With the Public Service Academy college, Narva will be gaining a new, very contemporary building with a wide range of uses,” he explained. “Integrating all those uses into one and making it all work is the biggest challenge a builder can face.”

The building will be administered by the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences in cooperation with the University of Tartu. The 9707 m2 college and dormitory, which is being constructed at Kerese 14, is due for completion in September 2020 at a total cost of 15.4 million euros (excl. VAT). Financing is being provided from the state budget, with the University of Tartu investing 3.7 million euros of its own funds (excl. VAT) in the dormitory.

The complex will feature the aforementioned dormitory, shared recreational spaces for the college’s cadets and service personnel from the Police and Border Guard Board, classrooms and a shooting range. A quarter of the building (2360 m2) will be used by the college to accommodate its students. Also due for construction alongside the building is a sports complex with its own pool, which will be open to the public.

The entire complex was designed by architects from Kolm Pluss Üks. Their idea was to place all of its public and semi-public spaces on the 1st floor, with the dormitory rooms on the upper floors. An atrium will run through the building which will be utilised as a functional and recreational space on the lower level. The exterior of the structure is marked out by a variety of open and closed gradations. What makes the building stand out in construction terms is that all three floors of the dormitory will be built from wood.


Background information
Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: | Narva College of the University of Tartu: | Nordecon group parent company Nordecon AS:

Further information and contact details for journalists on site today:
Jaanus Villiko | Administration Manager, Narva College of the University of Tartu | +372 51 40 473 |
Peeter Tambu | Adviser, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences | +372 51 10 795 |