How to coexist despite our differences?

On 13–14 September, the University of Tartu hosts an international symposium “Islam in Europe: Challenges of Diversity and Ways to Co-existence” to discuss the differences and challenges of European secular society and the Islamic culture and religion.

The history of Islam in Europe dates back to the 8th century. The Arab Spring revolutions, civil wars, the Islamic State, as well as the economic, social and demographic crises in North Africa have culminated in huge waves of refugees flowing into Europe. This has led to a situation in which besides helping refugees, Europe has to deal with new legal and social problems. The secular Europe speaks of religious problems, and specifically Islamic “challenges” for the secular and open society. The prospect of larger Islamic minorities also increases fears of the desecularisation of Europe.  

“It is time we discussed the challenges and differences of our secular society and the Islamic culture and religion, and asked how we can coexist despite our differences,” said head of the UT Asian Centre Elo Süld about the symposium.

The international symposium “Islam in Europe: Challenges of Diversity and Ways to Co-existence” is organised by UT Asian Centre, UT School of Theology and Religious Studies, UT School of Law, UT Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA; ASTRA programme). The event is also supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Speakers include legal and religion scholars from Europe and Islamic countries:

Prof. Dr Stefan Schreiner (University of Tübingen, Germany)

Prof. Dr Mustafa ef. Cerić (imam, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Prof. Dr Egdūnas Račius (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania) 

Prof. Dr Mathias Rohe (University of Erlangen, Germany)

Prof. Amal Idrissi (Moulay Ismail University, Morocco)

Dr Enes Bayraklı (Turkish-German University, Istanbul, Turkey)

Dr Leni Franken (University of Antwerp, Belgium)

Dr Merilin Kiviorg (School of Law, University of Tartu)

Dr Ringo Ringvee  (Ministry of the Interior, Estonia)

Venue: the University of Tartu main building (Senate Hall), Ülikooli 18

The working language of the conference is English. The programme is available on the website of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

Additional information: Elo Süld, Head of UT Asian Centre,

Viivika Eljand-Kärp
Tartu ülikooli pressinõunik
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