Andrea Rotenberg

Jumana Elbeltagy (Egypt)

Jumana outside Delta


Why did you choose to study this programme?

At the risk of sounding cliché, I’ve always been very interested in understanding how the human body works, and through different experiences, I’ve found that I both enjoy and am quite good at helping people. This ultimately led me to pursuing either neuroscience, psychology, or medicine, and while all of them sounded like very good ideas to me, I found the plethora of medical misrepresentation in media as a source of inspiration to find out more about the field. It was not soon after that I found myself diving into media about a variety of topics relating to the medical field, whether it was research, autobiographies, or just blogs that medicine students had written. Having considered stories and experiences that I had heard from my friends and family, it became clear to me that this would be the programme I would choose to pursue.

Why Estonia?

Five years ago, I knew nothing about Estonia as a country, but I moved here soon after, and I went to school here. I got to explore the country, develop a social circle, and learn the language, but more than that, I got to see how Estonia is a safe country and how it’s a very close-knit environment. Both of those things are very important to me personally, and so I found that Estonia feels like a second home to me. Keeping all that in mind, and the fact that the University of Tartu had such a perfect opportunity to study medicine, I decided to continue my education here, and now here I am!

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