Staff contacts of Counselling Centre

On this page you can find the contacts of University of Tartu Counselling Centre staff.

If you would like to book an appointment for career counselling, psychological counselling (in Tartu) or counselling for students with special needs, please use the booking form below.

NB! Use Google translate for translating the form. For example in Chrome you can use this function if you right-click on the form and choose „Translate to English“. 

Appointment times are available for the following 30 days and new times open daily.

UT Counselling Centre is located in the University of Tartu Library on the 3rd floor (see how to find us). We are open from Monday to Friday 9-12 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. or according to the agreed time.


Staff contacts


Kristel Lään-Saarik
Head of Counselling Centre (EST, ENG)
W. Struve 1-451
+372 737 6206, +372 520 5528
Siim Andres
Mental Health Advancement Coordinator (EST, ENG)
0.5 p
+372 5697 2339
Ene Küüner
Study Adviser (EST)
W. Struve 1-448
 +372 737 5200
Lea Nagirnaja
Psychologist 0,8 p (EST, RUS)
W. Struve 1-444
 +372 737 6211
Sharipha Rzayeva
Psychologist (EST, ENG, RUS)
W. Struve 1-445
Tõnu Jürjen
Psychologist 0,5 p (EST, ENG)
Mon, Wed, Thu
W. Struve 1-452
 +372 501 8821
Kaia Kastepõld-Tõrs
Psychologist 0,2 p (EST, ENG)
one day of week
W. Struve 1-452
Maarja Sagen
Psychologist 0,5 p (EST, ENG)
Mon, Tue, Wed
W. Struve 1–168
Anne Tullus
Psychologist 0,7 p (EST)
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu (Wed is the counselling day for Pärnu college students)
W. Struve 1–168
Kertu Ütt
Psychologist 0,2 p (EST, ENG)
one day of week
Posti 1, Viljandi
Anu Leuska
Psychologist 0,2 p (EST, ENG)
one day of week
Narva College
Mare Aru
Career Counsellor (EST)
W. Struve 1-447
+372 737 6084
Kadri Jurs
Career Counsellor (EST, ENG)
W. Struve 1-446
 +372 737 6205
Maris Gertz
Special Needs Adviser 0,6 p (EST, ENG)
W. Struve 1-450
+372 737 6393
Liisa Veerla
Special Needs Adviser 0,6 p (EST, ENG)
Mon, Wed, Thu
W. Struve 1-450
+372 5330 5071 
Nõustamiskeskuse grupipilt 2022


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