Digital continuing education certificates

From May 2016, the University of Tartu issues digital continuing education certificates (certificates of completion (with supplements) and certificates of attendance).

Digital certificates are verified with the digital stamp by the University of Tartu. The stamp confirms that the document has been issued by the University of Tartu and has not been changed meanwhile.

After completing the course the learner will receive an e-mail with a link where the document certifying the completion of the course can be downloaded. The link will be active for one year from the date of issue. The certificate is in PDF (Portable Document Format) format, digital verification is in BDOC format. In order to open a digitally certified document, you need ID-software, which can be downloaded at

There will be no written signatures on the electronic certificate when printed out.

The digital document is valid only in the container, in which the digital stamp and time of verification can be seen, therefore it is necessary to save the certificate with the digital container, not only the file(s) of certificate.

If you have any questions or problems regarding the document, please contact