Doctoral defence: Peeter Kenkmann "Development of the Authoritarian Regime in Estonia between 1934 and 1940: Roles of the Constitution and the State of Emergency"
On 10 June at 10:00 Nguyen Hoang Quan Tran will defend his doctoral thesis "Perception of organisational culture in terms of task and relationship orientations in Vietnam"
On 17 June at 14.15 Sylvester Ikenna Ofili will defend his doctoral thesis “Geochemistry and depositional environments of two black shale formations: the Baltoscandian Cambrian-Ordovician Alum Shale and the Cretaceous Lokpanta Oil Shale“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Geology).
Researchers I. Must and K. Valdur have created a robot leg modelled after the leg of a cucumber spider. A soft robot was created in cooperation with the Italian Institute of Technology