ENLIGHT invites to Impact Conference

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Staff and students from the University of Tartu are invited to register for the ENLIGHT Impact Conference, which takes place from 27 to 28 March in Groningen, the Netherlands. Speakers at the conference include international leading impact experts from within and outside the academic ecosystem.

ENLIGHT will cover the travel costs of up to eight UT representatives. Application is open until 17 February via the web form.

The conference will focus on integrating impact into all facets of university missions, including education, research, innovation and service to society. Through the lens of an impact-driven university model, participants will explore strategies for breaking down silos, promoting collaboration and embedding impact into their daily work.

On 28 March, ENLIGHT will present the ENLIGHT Impact Awards in the project’s five flagship domains: health and well-being, digital revolution and impact of digitization, climate change, energy and circular economy, equity, and culture and creativity.

Read more about the conference and the ENLIGHT network.

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