ENLIGHT Workshop “Health and wellbeing in a data- and AI-driven context: legal challenges and opportunities” 

ENLIGHT Workshop “Health and wellbeing in a data- and AI-driven context: legal challenges and opportunities”

ENLIGHT online workshop “Health and wellbeing in a data- and AI-driven context: legal challenges and opportunities” will take place on 19 October from 11 to 14.

Digital innovation and artificial intelligence (AI) hold great potential for understanding, managing and delivering health and well-being outcomes. However, these developments also bring their share of ethical, social and legal challenges. In particular, the issue of the law as it relates to this constantly evolving field is of fundamental importance in the context of AI.

Registration is open until 18 October.

All members from the ENLIGHT community, external partners and the wider public are welcome to join the workshop.


11:00–11:10 Welcome and introduction (Margaretha Andersson)

11:10–11:40 Keynote: “Digital Health, the future of medicine? Perspectives, promises, risks, ethical and societal aspects”

11:40–12:25 “Legal challenges in Digital Health innovation” / Part 1

  1. Privacy issues (11:40–11:55)

  1. Legal interoperability in research data (11:55–12:10)

  1. Data models for clinical trials: legal frameworks still maturing (12:10–12:25)

12:25–12:45 Break

12:45–13:15 “Legal challenges in Digital Health innovation” / Part 2

  1. Public-private partnerships in a European context (12:45–13:00)

  1. Digital Health in action: experience from entrepreneur/researcher start-up scene (13:00–13:15)

13:15–13:55 Panel discussion: “How can we foster virtuous innovation in digital health in Europe?”

13:55–14:00 Wrap-up and closing remarks

See more from the ENLIGHT web.

Further information:

Charlotte Cosin (charlotte.cosin@u-bordeaux.fr)

Sébastien Peyrard (sebastien.peyrard@u-bordeaux.fr)

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